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Which invention led to the publication of thousands of books in English AND who built it?

William Caxton's printing press


What is "borrowing" in the context of linguistics?

It is when one language borrows a word from another language. 


What is an archaism?

Something old-fashioned that we almost never use anymore.


Please explain the Tree Model.

Relationships between languages can be diagrammed on a "family tree." For example, English, German, Hindi, and many other Eurasian languages can be traced back on a family tree to a common ancestor, Proto-Indo European.


Why does English have many French words in its vocabulary?

William the Conqueror invaded Britain in 1066 with the Normans, who all spoke French. 


What was the significance of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales?

It was the first important work of literature written in English.


What is coinage?

It is when someone invents a new word. 


What is syntax?

Word order.


Please explain Random Fluctuation Theory.

This theory suggests that language changes develop randomly. Change happens when language users misspell or mispronounce a word. They may start using slang.


What historical event caused many Greek and Latin words to be added to the English language? Why?

The Enlightenment caused many Greek and Latin words to be added to the language because of discoveries in science and medicine.


What was the significance of William Shakespeare's plays and the publication of the King James Bible AND in what time period (roughly) were they both published?

Late 1500's to early 1600's. Shakespeare published plays from 1589-1613. The King James Bible was published in 1611. 

Both works of literature added vocabulary, poetry, and idioms to English that we still use today.


What is a neologism?

A new word.


What is the difference between graphology and orthography?

Graphology is the layout and appearance of a text. Orthography is spelling.


Please explain Substratum Theory.

When one country imposes a language on another, the languages influence each other. When nations are close to one another, their languages often influence each other.


What publication caused American and British spellings to differ so drastically? 

Noah Webster's dictionary in 1828. He relied on Latin for spelling, while the British dictionary relies on French. 


What major publication in 1755 helped to standardize spelling and vocabulary in the English Language?

Samuel Johnson's dictionary.


What is the difference between synchronic variation and diachronic variation?

Synchronic variations are differences in language use in one time period whereas diachronic variations are differences in language use between two time periods. 


What is the difference between semantic change and a change in word usage?

Semantic change is when the meaning of the word has changed. If usage has changed, the meaning has stayed the same but the situations in which we use the word has changed. 

Please explain Functional Theory and the Theory of Lexical Gaps.

Every language has "holes" in its lexicon--this means there is not one word to express every concept. Sometimes we invent new words (neologisms) when there is a gap in the language. Sometimes we borrow a word from another language to fill the gap.


How has the digital age impacted language change?

It has emphasized quicker communication, causing many to shorten language. It has also caused some standardization, though, because people more easily access standard spellings through autocorrect and online dictionaries. Slang also spreads more quickly.


During about what time period did the Industrial Revolution take place, AND how did it change the English language?

About 1760-1900.

The Industrial Revolution caused us to need many new words for new inventions and for changes in culture. 


There are five types of semantic change. One of them is neutral change. What are the other four and what do they mean?

Semantic narrowing -- word becomes more specific

Semantic broadening -- word becomes more general

Semantic pejoration -- word becomes more negative

Semantic amelioration -- word becomes more positive


If I analyze the lexis of a text, what am I analyzing?

Its vocabulary.


Please explain the Unfolding of Language. 

The mind craves order and regularity, so sometimes people change the way they say or spell words to make them "match" the grammar rules for other words. Sometimes people also take shortcuts with language to make it more convenient.


Please estimate the time periods of the three eras of English.

Old English: 450CE-1000CE

Middle English: 1000CE-1500CE

Modern English: 1500CE to today.
