This spell allows first year students to make objects fly
Wingardium Leviosa
Which class at Hogwarts always seems to have a different teacher every year?
Defense against the dark arts
Harry Potter met his first wizard on his 11th birthday. Which wizard did he meet?
Rubius Hagrid
What is the first monster Harry Potter battled while at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
A mountain troll
Harry Potter discovers a fun object in a random classroom in the first book. He spends hours looking at the object before eventually using it to defeat Voldemort. What object does Harry find?
The Mirror of Erised
This common spell is used to disarm opponents during a magical duel
What class is taught by Severus Snape?
Which member of Hogwarts is revealed to be the half-blood prince?
Severus Snape
1 Harry Potter movie out of the 8 does not focus on Lord Voldemort as the villain. Instead, the villain is said to be Harry Potter's godfather. What is the name of this "villain?"
Sirius Black.
Multiple times throughout the story, a weapon appears for Harry to use. What is the name of the magic weapon that appears to those who are in need?
The Sword of Gryffindor
This spell is one of the 3 forbidden curses. It is used to control any person or animal to do whatever the wizard/witch demands
The imperious curse
Which professor is in charge of Gryffindor house?
Minerva McGonagall
Besides Albus Dumbledore, can you name another professor who spent time as the Hogwarts headmaster?
1 answer = 300
2 answers = 300 points and take another turn
Severus Snape, Deloris Umbridge, Dexter Fortescue, Phineas Black, Armando Dippet
Harry has a problem with a villain at school named Draco Malfoy. Draco has 2 common friends who help him make Harry's life miserable. What are Draco's friends names?
Crab and Goyle
Hogwarts has a secret room that appears to students in need, and has exactly what those students need inside. What is the name of this magic room?
The room of requirement
This spell is used to repel dementors
Exspecto Patronum or the patronus charm
What standardized tests do 5th year students need to take at Hogwarts?
Albus Dumbledore has a brother who conceals a secret passage into Hogwarts. What is this other Dumbledore's first name?
1 of Harry's favorite "defense against the dark arts" professors turns out to be an imposter who's goal is to restore Lord Voldemort to his true self by tricking poor Harry. Who does this imposter turn out to be?
Barty Crouch Jr.
Can you name all 4 houses that students are sorted into?
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin
This spell is known as the curse of the half-blood prince
How does Hermione Granger get to all her overlapping classes during her 3rd year?
She uses a time turner
Hagrid has a variety of pets throughout the series. These pets are usually not considered safe to be at school. There is a spider, a 3 headed dog, a dragon, and one called a hippogriff. What is the name of Hagrid's pet hippogriff?
A villain named Bellatrix Lestrange spends most of the series laughing as she takes Harry's loved ones from him. However, she meets her demise at the end of the story. What witch or wizard is credited for ridding the world of Bellatrix Lestrange?
Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley's mother
By the end of Harry's first year all 3 deathly hallows are found at Hogwarts. Eventually Harry would become the owner of all 3. What are the 3 deathly hallows?
Cloak of Invisibility, Resurrection Stone, Elder Wand