Stand Up, _____ _ ____
What is Stand N Rock?
Schools forced students to learn this religion.
Adam Fortunate Eagle ________.
What is Nordwall?
At the top of Aztec Social Pyramid
What is the King (and family)?
Xocolatl is...
What is Chocolate?
Protest against the U.S. government's failure to honor Native treaties.
What is The Wounded Knee (Occupation)?
Est. year when U.S. government begins forcibly removing Indigenous children from families.
What is 1800s?
Adam Fortunate Eagle "discovered" _____ in the 1970's.
What is Italy?
George Lucas named the Ewoks after this Tribe
What is (Coast) Miwok?
#NoDAPL stands for...
What is No Dakota Access Pipeline?
Floyd ___ ____ Westerman
What is Red Crow?
Date when U.S. starts investigating the schools
What is June 2021?
What is Enemy of the State?
This group rejected Muwekma's request for federal recognition in 2002.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs
The best soup you will ever have
What is Posoli?
______ Died for Your Sins
What is Custer?
Autobiography written by Carol Brady
What is Through the Storm Towards the Sun?
Adam Fortunate Eagle is __ years old.
What is 95?
Bonus Square +400
Big college word that just translates to knowledge/reason
What is epistemology?
Name at least 3/6 protests run by AIM (American Indian Movement)
What is
1. Trail of Broken Treaties?
2. Wounded Knee?
3. The Longest Walk?
4. Alcatraz Island?
5. Thanksgiving Day protest?
6. Mt. Rushmore?
At least ___ children died. (Carlisle Indian Industrial School)
What is 234?
Adam Fortunate Eagle is a hereditary member of the ___ ____ ____ __ ________ _______.
What is Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians?
All 5 tribes between DVC
What is
1. Karkin
2. Me-Wuk (Bay Miwok)
3. Muwekma
4. Confederated Villages of Lisjan
5. Miwok
Spell Professor's Full Name
What is Dani Ahuicapahtzin Cornejo?