How many Indian tribes are located in North Dakota today?
5 tribes
What state was North Dakota admitted as (number)?
What is the largest natural lake in North Dakota?
Devils Lake
What was North Dakota nicknamed in 1957?
The Peace Garden State
What is the land reserved for Indians called?
What year did North Dakota become a state?
What is the North-South continental divide in North Dakota called?
Northern Divide
True or false: All of North Dakota’s Indian tribes are “Plains Indians.”
What is the best way to refer to American Indians?
By their tribe
After moving from Yankton, which city was chosen as the capitol of Dakota Territory and is still the capitol of North Dakota today?
What are the 3 natural regions of land in North Dakota?
Red River Valley, Drift Prairie, Missouri Plateau
What were Bonanza farms?
Gigantic wheat farms that made huge sums of money.
What are the names of the 5 tribes located in North Dakota today?
Three Affiliated Tribes, Spirit Lake Nation, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe, Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
Which president signed the law granting statehood to North Dakota?
President Harrison
What are the two reasons why the Red River Valley has such rich soil?
fertile soil had been brought down from Canada by the glaciers; and a great deal of organic matter had been left from Lake Agassiz
What is the period from 1878 to 1886 where two-thirds of North Dakota was settled called?
The Great Dakota Boom