Famous Figures
Approaches in Psych
Careers in Psych
Wild Card
Which father of psych mistakenly believed that cocaine was a cure for morphine addiction?
Sigmund Freud
What is introspection?
Looking inside yourself and describing what is there.
What is the humanistic approach?
The idea that people are basically good and capable of helping themselves.
Which of the following professionals makes the most money: psychiatrists, psychologists, or social workers?
What is psychology?
The study of human behavior and mental processes.
Who was the father of experimental psychology?
Wilhelm Wundt
What is structuralism?
The idea that consciousness can be broken down into simple structure.
What is the cognitive approach?
An approach that emphasizes how humans use mental processes to solve problems.
Which of the following professionals can work as a therapist: psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker?
all of them
Where did Aristotle believe that consciousness resides?
the heart
Which founding father was responsible for the Little Albert Experiment?
John B. Watson
What is functionalism?
the mind helps humans adapt to and function in their environments.
According to this approach, behavior is the product of learning and associations.
behavioral approach
Which of the following professionals can prescribe medication: psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker?
Psychiatrist (and sometimes psychologist)
Describe what happened in the Little Albert Experiment. Identify the psychologist, the technique used, and two stimuli used in the experiment.
John B Watson wanted to condition a one-year-old baby boy named little Albert to fear a white rat. This is an example of classical conditioning. Every time Albert was shown a rat, Watson made a loud noise by hitting a metal bar. The stimuli were the white rat and the loud noise. Eventually, Albert learned to associate the loud noise with the white rat and would cry at the sight of the rat alone.
Which founding father used introspection as a tool to study the human mind?
Wilhelm Wundt
What is classical conditioning?
When a neutral stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus to produce a response.
As a kid, Jimmy's father passed away. Today, he suffers from depression and anxiety. Which approach best explains his condition?
psychoanalytic approach
What is stream-of-consciousness?
The idea that that thought exists as a constant, uninterrupted stream.
What were three of the theories proposed by William James?
Stream-of-consciousness, pragmatism, and functionalism
What are the four tenets of psychoanalysis?
1.) Early childhood events have a strong influence over our behavior as adults. 2.) explanations for behavior are rooted in the unconscious 3.) we repress memories, thoughts, an feelings that manifest as depression 4.) You can resolve problems by working through repressed memories.
I got up early today. Explain this behavior using all six approaches.
Biopsych - hormones caused me to wake up early. Behavioral - I'm rewarded for getting up early Psychanalytic - I have an unconscious desire to please people by getting up early. Humanistic - I get up early to accomplish my goals. Cognitive - I get up early because I recognize that it gives me enough time to prepare for the day. Sociocultural - I get up early because it is expected by my social group.
What type of degree do you need to be a psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Social Worker?
Psychiatrist - MD (Doctor of Medicine) in Psychiatry or DO (doctor of osteopathic medicine) Psychologist - PhD, PsyD, or EdD Social Worker - Master's of Social work or Licensed Clinical Social Work Degree
What is Pragmatism?
The idea that truth is only important if it's useful (if it has "cash value")