The Rise of Rock & Roll
Hail, Hail Rock and Roll
The British are Coming
Coming to America
Bring on the Noise
A disc jockey who started the Memphis Recording Company and later discovered Elvis
Who is Sam Phillips?
In the early sixties, this band was known for their "Four Freshman" style vocal harmonies and their influence on the "surf" craze.
Who are The Beach Boys?
In 1964, this band had their biggest hit "House of the Rising Sun".
Who are The Animals?
This folk singer took his name from Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, and was personal, introspective material.
Who is Bob Dylan?
In 1973 their album "Dark Side of the Moon" was the first album to introduce electronic experimental music to a mass audience.
Who is Pink Floyd?
This musical genre is a fusion of blues, hillbilly boogie, bluegrass and country.
What is Rockabilly?
Influenced by Elvis Presley, this artist known for his "hiccup" vocal technique, wanted to give rock a "harder rhythm and blues edge".
Who is Buddy Holly?
This band were known for their wild antics during their live performances (such as smashing instruments) and hits like "My Generation"
Who is "The Who"?
This band's debut album included hits like "Light My Fire", and "Break on Through".
Who are "The Doors"?
Not very conscientious about "borrowing" lyrics & tunes from old blues songs, this band later influenced Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Guns' n' Roses and Metallica.
Who is Led Zeppelin?
Three artists talented, unique and outrageous that their styles could not be easily imitated by others.
Who is "Little Richard", Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry?
This young rock and roll artist was the pioneer of the chicano movement (known for hits: "Donna" and "La Bamba") and died in a tragic plane crash at the tender age of 17.
Who is Ritchie Valens?
Discovered by Brian Epstein in 1961, they performed 1950s American Rock and Roll standards.
Who are The Beatles?
This artist had top billing at Woodstock and performed a "huge, explosive version of "The Star Spangled Banner" with his "roaring, furious guitar style".
Who is Jimi Hendrix?
British artists in the early 70s were "pushing the wild, theatrical side" of Rock and Roll.
What is Glam Rock?
A combination of six styles of music that was Early Rock and Roll.
What are Blues, Gospel, Country/Western, Boogie Woogie, R&B and Folk music?
This popular televised music show made rock and roll more acceptable and served as a platform for "safer" teen idols.
What is American Bandstand?
In February 1963, The Beatles made their big debut in America on this popular show.
What is The Ed Sullivan Show?
Their fans (Deadheads) would make the most popular live act in the history of rock and roll.
Who is "The Grateful Dead"?
This image chameleon was a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, arranger painter and actor who began as a folk singer then shifted to a "louder, more theatrical style."
Who is David Bowie?
This artist had 38 Top 10 Billboard hits during their career and is currently unchallenged.
Who is Elvis Presley?
This day is known in Rock History as "The Day the Music Died"
What is February 2, 1959?
In 1969, the year before they disbanded, this was The Beatles' biggest hit ever.
What is "Hey Jude"?
After using Rock & Roll music to fight racism and injustice and to stop the war, young people began to turn to music that was intensely personal and introspective.
What is Folk Music?
This gifted but misunderstood rock star from outer space's music was a tribute to Jimi Hendrix and featured hard, aggressive rock and roll inspired performances.
Who is Ziggy Stardust?