Name two ways in early history how people were physically active
Hunting, survival, gathering food. moving from place to place.
When was the mainland of Greece integrated into the Roman Empire?
between 50BCE and 500 CE
How did the renaissance have an influence on sport and physical activity?
This was a time period where people valued art, culture, history, language etc., and during this time, there was a renewed interest in Greek and Roman culture which brough the idea of sport and athleticism back.
What were some key things taking place during the industrial revolution?
Tech advancements, factories opening up, job opportunities.
How did the Paralympics become popular before it was known as the Paralympics
A sports competition was organized for world war veterans and the number of participants and spectators grew until an international movement took place and the games were then known as the Paralympics
Who were the first to articulate that physical activity can improve not only our physical well being but also our mental well-being
The Greeks
Which Olympic sport did the romans favour?
During what time period did the Renaissance occur?
1400-1650 A.D.
During what time period did the industrial revolution take place?
What year did the first Olympic style games for people with a disability take place
The first Olympic games took place in what year? What was the first sporting event? and what was the measurement called?
776 BCE
It was a foot race called a stade. Stade is a unit of measurement specifically known in ancient times for 600 m.
Eventually the Olympics evolved into what sport? And who were the ones that partook in said sport?
Gladiator sports. Slaves, prisoners and persecuted Christians fought in the gladiator events)
Who was known to be the renaissance man?
Leonardo de Vinci
Which Queen reigned during the Victorian era? What was the time period for the Victorian era? How did the Victorian era impact sport?
Queen Victoria 1837-1901
Middle class people started to participate in sport with upper class during this time but needed a place to compete which during the Victorian era is when field houses and arenas were built.
What is the name of the multicultural event that takes place every 2 years for people in the circumpolar north.
Artic Winter Games
What were the other 6 events added to the Olympics not long after?
Long distance running
Long Jump
In what year did the Roman decline happen? What did this do to the olympics and the idea of sports? Sports were only left to the elite. Name 2 of the sports the elite played.
500 CE
Olympic games disappeared.
The elite participated in horseback riding and sword fighting, jousting, archery
Who was the man that started the first childhood education class? In what year?
1420- Vittorino de Feltre
In what year did the Olympics become modernized?
Name 2 traditional first nations sports that are still played today
Snow Snake
Explain where the Olympic games took place, what the time period is called for having an Olympic event, how long the period is and the concept behind Olympic peace.
took place in Olympia
Olympaid is the time period.
Its every 4 years
Olympic peace was first created to ensure that athletes could travel safely to Olympia to compete without the fear of being attacked by enemies.
The Romans coined the Latin phrase " "
A sound mind in a healthy body
Name 3 dates during the renaissance that impacted sport/Pe or the discoveries and written references to sport and phys ed.
1420- first phys ed class
1457- first written references to golf
1541- first time curling appeared
Where did the first modern Olympic games take place? Who was the man to modernize them?
Athens Greek. Baron Pierre de Coubertin
The Aztechs had a game that we have now modernized to basketball... what was the name of this game and the objective?
Tlachli - you had to score a ball through a hoop without using your hands