When did weird animals live with many eyes or many legs?
Deserts everywhere.
Up until the Permian, how many mass extinctions have there been?
What would you see around you on land during the Carboniferous?
Trees everywhere.
Describe what plants would look like when they first appeared during the Silurian.
Very short plants.
Name two types of animals found during the Carboniferous?
Giant centipedes, flies, and amphibians.
Experimental sea life.
What caused the Ordovician extinction?
Drastic temperature changes.
What would the seas look like if you swam during the Cambrian?
Was grass around during any of the periods so far?
What did animals do to get away from the big fish of the Devonian?
Found their way to land.
Huge fishy predators.
Many volcanoes erupting.
What would it be like wondering on land during the Permian?
What type of trees would you never see in any period that we have covered so far.
Trees that lose leaves in the fall.
Name or describe the one animal that lived from Cambrian to Permian.
Name one thing plants did to cause the Devonian extinction.
Release CO2, Put nutrients into the ground.
What would you be swimming away from in fear during the Devonian?
What type of trees would you expect to see during the forests of the Carboniferous?
Palm trees and cycads.
When were the weird fish-looking creatures...more like leeches with teeth!
Transitional period with weird-looking fish.
What main group of animals were killed off in the Permian extinction.
What would the world be like right after the Permian?
Most animals gone. Only a few survive.
Before the Cambrian, what pumped all our oxygen into the air?