Lewis and Clark and Pike
Five Civilized Tribes
Early Westward Expansion
Map Skills
This is the type of dog that Lewis owned.
What is a Newfoundland?
This is the part of the United States where the Five Civilized Tribes lived.
What is the Deep South?
This is the main geographical feature that prevented early westward expansion from the colonies.
What are the Appalachian Mountains?
This is a specific description of the location of St. Louis
What is at the intersection of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers on the eastern border of Missouri.
This is the name of a very famous longhunter.
Who is Daniel Boone?
These are three of the goals that President Jefferson had for the Lewis and Clark expedition.
What are trading with Indian nations, discovering a northwest passage, diplomacy with representatives of foreign nations, collecting plant, animal, and mineral specimens, recording latitude and longitude coordinates, etc.?
These are at least two parts of Washington's Six Point Plan for Native Americans.
What are Impartial justice, regulated buying of Indian lands, promotion of commerce, promotion of experiments to civilize their society, presidential authority to give presents, and punishing those who violated Indians’ rights
These are the three states that intersect near the Cumberland Gap.
What are Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee?
This is the state where the Mississippi River begins.
What is Minnesota?
This was the country that the United States bought the Louisiana Purchase from.
What is France?
These are the areas of North America that the Zebulon Pike expedition mainly explored.
What is the southwest and mexico?
These are three things the Cherokee established in the 1820s.
What are a written language, supreme court, and a written constitution?
This is a description of longhunters and the reason they were important to westward expansion.
What are outdoorsmen who hunted over long distances and long periods of time, and who scouted routes, guided settlers, and connected land companies with immigrants?
This is a list of at least four states that the Appalachian mountains run through.
What is Georgia, N. Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusettes, Vermont, New Hampshire, or Maine?
This was the reason that the Zebulon Pike Expedition was discovered by the Spanish Army.
What is their location was given away by the commanding officer and the doctor?
This is the name of the husband and wife who helped Lewis and Clark on their journey west.
Who are Sacagawea and Charboneau?
This is what Washington and Knox believed was inferior about the Native Americans?
What is their society?
This is how cars get through the Cumberland Gap today.
What is through an underground tunnel?
This is the specific location of the city of New Orleans.
What is at the mouth of the Mississippi River in the southeast corner of Louisiana.
He was the President who ordered the removal of Native Americans from their lands in the Deep South.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
These are three of the tribes that Lewis and Clark met on their journey.
Who are the Sioux, Mandan, Crow, Blackfoot, Shoshone, Osage, Cheyenne, Chinook, etc.?
These are the names of the Five Civilized Tribes.
What are the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chikasaw, Creek, and Seminole?
These are two reasons why the Wilderness Road was dangerous.
What are attacks from Indians, robbers and bandits, starvation, disease, etc.?
This a thorough description of the location of the Great Plains, including how far it extends in all four cardinal directions.
What is from the Rocky Mountains in the west to approximately halfway to the Mississippi River in the east, and from Texas and Colorado in the south into Canada in the North?
This is the reason that many of the first immigrants to cross the Appalachian Mountains have retained their original cultures.
What is they settled in remote mountain areas and didn't interact very much with outsiders.