Court Cases and Methods of Voting
Misc. Barriers to Access

This act was a landmark piece of legislation that outlawed discriminatory voting practices such as literacy tests, poll taxes, and gerrymandering which had previously been used to disenfranchise minority voters

hint: it was passed in 1965

What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965?


What is the practice of casting ballots electronically, often through the internet?

Online Voting


This effort to encourage eligible voters to participate in the election and ease barriers to access. It can include voter registration drivers, phone banking, door-to-door canvassing, and social media campaigns.



This amendment was ratified in 1920. It granted women the right to vote in federal elections, expanding suffrage to a previously barred half of the population 

what is the 19th ammendment?


What is the federal law that allows citizens to register to vote when applying for or renewing their drivers licence?

Motor Voter Registration Act


What are laws temporarily that deny voting rights to convicted felons?

Felony Disenfranchisement


These are laws that require voters to present identification at the polling locations, which can be a burden for certain groups such as low income individuals and minorities.

Voter ID Laws


Ratified in 1870, what amendment granted African American men the right to vote?

15th amendment


This Act was passed in 1993. It was a federal law that standardized voter registration procedures across the country and make it easier for citizens to register to vote when they interacted with gov agencies (e.g. DMV)

What is the National Voter Registration Act of 1993?


This case was argued in front of the supreme court in 2019. It upheld a Texas law requiring voter ID, a controversial measure that some argue disproportionately affects minority voters.

What is Abbott v. Perez (2018)


What is the requirement that voters do to demonstrate their ability to read and write ?

What is a literacy test?


This amendment was ratified in 1964. It prohibited the use of poll taxes in federal elections. These poll taxes had previously been used to deny the suffrage of low-income voters, particularly to African Americans. 

What is the 24th amendment?                                          


This act was passed in 2002 in response to the disputed 2000 presidential election. It aimed to improve the security and efficiency of voting systems, including provisions for voter ID requirements, provisional ballots, and standardized voting machines

What is the Help America Vote Act of 2002


This Supreme Court Case upheld an Indiana law that required voters to present identification at the polling locations, and found that it did not burden voters' suffrage rights.

Crawford v. Marion County Election Board (2008)


What was the name of the primary election in which only white voters were allowed to participate?

what is a White Primary?


 This amendment, ratified in 1971, allowed young people to vote in the election by lowering the voting age.

What is the 26th Amendment?
