Random Facts
Pirate Myths
Famous Pirates
Movie Pirates
Random Facts 2

What is the name of the flag flown by pirates?

A) Blood Flag

B) Jolly Roger

C) Skull and Crossbones

Jolly Roger


True or False: Pirates actually made their victims walk the plank?

A) True

B) False

False: Although walking the plank is common in contemporary pirate lore, most pirates just killed people straightaway.


What famous real-life pirate had ships named the Fortune, Good Fortune, and Royal Fortune?

A) Black Bart

B) Long John Silver

C) Captain William Kidd

Bartholomew Roberts, aka "Black Bart"


Who is one legged pirate and cook in the movie/book "Treasure Island"?

A) Captain Hook

B) The Dread Pirate Roberts

C) Long John Silver

Long John Silver


To pirates what did the word "parley" mean?

A) A Meeting

B) A Parrot

C) A Party

A Meeting


What is a pirate?

A) A person who commits a crime while at sea.

B) A person who robs from the rich and gives to himself.

C) Anyone with an eye-patch and a peg-leg.

A pirate is a person who commits a crime while at sea.


True or False: Pirates actually wore eye-patches?

A) True

B) False

True. It’s been said that pirates wore eye-patches to help keep one eye adjusted to night vision for seeing below deck.


Who was convicted of piracy, hung twice, and left to rot as a warning to other pirates?

A) Captain James Hook

B) Davy Jones

C) Captain William Kidd

Captain William Kidd


What was the name of the pirate in Peter Pan who lost his hand to a crocodile?

A) Captain Hook

B) Captain Jack Sparrow

C) The Dread Pirate Roberts

Captain Hook


Where did pirates find weevils (bugs)?

A) In their boots

B) In their food

C) Underwater

In their food


What weapons did a Pirate use? 

A. A cutlass or a dagger

B) A cannon or a musket

C) Both A & B

Both: the used all sorts of swords and guns


True or False. All pirates were illegal?

A) True

B) False

False. Privateers were lawful pirates who were permitted by their government to attack and plunder the ships of enemy nations. 


Who disguised herself as a man to join the military and later became a privateer raiding the Spanish?

A) Jack Sparrow

B) Mary Read

C) Mulan

Mary Read 


Who is the "undead" pirate leader in the film 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl'?

A) Captain Barbossa

B) Captain Jack Sparrow

C) Davy Jones

Captain Barbossa


Where is the prow of a ship?

A) At the back of the ship

B) At the front of the ship

C) At the top of the ship

At the front of the ship


On a Pirate's Treasure map, what letter usually Marks the Spot?

A) C (or Sea)

B) R (or Aarr)

C) X



Why did pirates get their ears pierced?

A. To look tough

B. They thought it would improve their hearing

C. They thought it would improve their eyesight

They thought it would improve their eyesight


What was the famous pirate name of Edward Teach, the charismatic pirate who captained the Queen Anne's Revenge?

A) Blackbeard

B) Captain Hook

C) The Dread Pirate Roberts



What movie from the 1980s is about a group of kids following a treasure map to find long lost pirate treasure?

A) The Breakfast Club

B) The Explorers

C) The Goonies

The Goonies


What was Davy Jones' Locker?

A) Davy Jones' Ship

B) A Prison Cage

C) The Seafloor

The Seafloor


What day is International Talk Like a Pirate Day?

A) May 19th

B) September 19th

C) July 19th

September 19th

Can you give me your best Pirate impression?

"Arrr...!" or "Shiver me timbers!"


Who was England's most famous privateer?

A) Blackbeard

B) Francis Drake

C) Henry Morgan

Francis Drake


Who was the commander of the largest pirate fleet in history consisting of over 1700 ships and 50,000 crew.

A) Ching Shih

B) Jack Sparrow

C) Long John Silver

Ching Shih


What movie features the Dread Pirate Roberts?

A) Blackbeard's Ghost

B) The Princess Bride

B) Treasure Island

The Princess Bride


Blackbeard commanded two ships, what were their names? 

A) The Jolly Roger and The Black Pearl
B) Queen Anne's Revenge and Adventure
C) Monkey Island and Davy Jones' Locker

Queen Anne's Revenge and Adventure


Which colorful flag flown on a pirate's ship meant that you are in more danger?

A) A Black Flag

B) A Red Flag

C) A White Flag

A Red Flag.

If a ship approached flying a red flag with an hourglass on it then you'd know you were in trouble as red meant 'give no quarter' (or no survivors!) and the hourglass basically meant your time on earth was about to run out.


True or False: Pirates kept parrots for pets, due to fact that they could fly and let them know if land was close by?

A) True

B) False

False. There are no accounts of pirates having pet parrots.

Can you give me your best impression of a talking parrot? "Paulie Want a Cracker?" 


Which Caribbean buccaneer was the pioneer of the Jolly Roger flag? 

A) Calico Jack

B) Captain Blood

C) Captain Morgan

Calico Jack


What Disney adventure film is about a shipwrecked family that builds a giant treehouse, and later has to fight off an army of pirates?

A) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

B) Blackbeard's Ghost

C) Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson


True or False: Pirates having peg legs was not a real thing?

A) True

B) False

True. Pirates that had to lose a leg or foot, usually did not live long enough to need a piece of wood to help them walk.
