Phillis Wheatley
The Fugitive Slave Laws
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Abolitionist Movement
Slavery in the North & South

Where was Phillis Wheatley born?
a) Africa
b) England
c) United States
d) France

a) Africa


Under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, what could happen to Northerners who helped runaway slaves?
a) They would be fined
b) They would be imprisoned
c) Both a and b
d) Nothing

c) Both a and b


What is Harriet Beecher Stowe best known for?
a) Writing "Uncle Tom’s Cabin"
b) Leading the Underground Railroad
c) Becoming the first female senator
d) Establishing schools for freed slaves

a) Writing "Uncle Tom’s Cabin"


The abolitionist movement sought to:
a) Support slave owners
b) End slavery
c) Expand slavery
d) Avoid war

b) End slavery


Slavery was more common in which region of the USA?
a) North
b) South
c) West
d) Midwest

b) South


Who was Phillis Wheatley?
a) A Revolutionary War soldier
b) The first African American published poet
c) An abolitionist leader
d) A slave trader

b) The first African American published poet


What year was the first Fugitive Slave Act passed?
a) 1793
b) 1800
c) 1820
d) 1850

a) 1793


"Uncle Tom’s Cabin" was a response to which law?
a) Missouri Compromise
b) Fugitive Slave Act
c) Kansas-Nebraska Act
d) Dred Scott Decision

b) Fugitive Slave Act


What religious group was heavily involved in the abolitionist movement?
a) Methodists
b) Catholics
c) Quakers
d) Puritans

c) Quakers


The economy of the South relied heavily on:
a) Manufacturing
b) Small businesses
c) Agriculture and plantations
d) Mining

c) Agriculture and plantations


Phillis Wheatley corresponded with which U.S. President?
a) George Washington
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) John Adams
d) James Madison

a) George Washington


Which group was legally required to help capture runaway slaves under the Fugitive Slave Act?
a) Only Southern officials
b) Private citizens
c) Police officers only
d) Judges

b) Private citizens


Stowe’s novel had the biggest impact in:
a) The South
b) The West
c) The North
d) Europe

c) The North


Who published the abolitionist newspaper "The Liberator"?
a) William Lloyd Garrison
b) Sojourner Truth
c) Frederick Douglass
d) John Brown

a) William Lloyd Garrison


Which crop was central to Southern slavery?
a) Tobacco
b) Corn
c) Cotton
d) Wheat

c) Cotton


What was the title of Phillis Wheatley’s published book of poems?
a) "Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral"
b) "Voices of Freedom"
c) "Songs of Liberty"
d) "Reflections on Slavery"

a) "Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral"


The Fugitive Slave Act strengthened support for which movement?
a) Women's rights movement
b) Abolitionist movement
c) States’ rights movement
d) Temperance movement

b) Abolitionist movement


How did Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book influence public opinion?
a) It sparked the Civil War
b) It supported slavery
c) It mobilized anti-slavery sentiment
d) It weakened abolitionist movements

c) It mobilized anti-slavery sentiment


Frederick Douglass was:
a) A former slave who became a leading abolitionist
b) A famous Civil War general
c) A pro-slavery advocate
d) The president of the Confederacy

a) A former slave who became a leading abolitionist


In the North, many states had:
a) Pro-slavery laws
b) Gradual emancipation laws
c) Mandatory slavery laws
d) Laws prohibiting abolitionists  

b) Gradual emancipation laws


Wheatley’s work was criticized for not being:
a) Written in English
b) Politically active
c) Published in America
d) About her experiences as a slave

d) About her experiences as a slave


The Underground Railroad was:
a) A transportation system for slaves
b) A network to help slaves escape
c) A law protecting escaped slaves
d) A military defense plan

b) A network to help slaves escape


Harriet Beecher Stowe was originally from which state?
a) Ohio
b) Connecticut
c) New York
d) Massachusetts

b) Connecticut


Which abolitionist led hundreds of slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad?
a) Frederick Douglass
b) Harriet Tubman
c) John Brown
d) William Lloyd Garrison

b) Harriet Tubman


Slavery in the United States was officially abolished by:
a) The Emancipation Proclamation
b) The 13th Amendment
c) The 14th Amendment
d) The 15th Amendment

b) The 13th Amendment
