He allowed the church to run these two initiatives
What is education and health care
The political party that Jean Lesage represented
What is the Liberal Party
Creation of the Ministry of Education
What is an education reform
Occurred due to decrease in the infant mortality rate
The baby boom
The separation of church and state
What is secularism
The political party to replace Duplessis after his death
What is the Liberal Party
The premier and political party that were elected after Lesage
Who is Daniel Johnson and the Union Nationale
Public and private institutions need a government permit to operate
What is the Hospital Act of 1962
The location of Expo 67
What is Montreal
Supports the involvement of the clergy in politics
What is clericalism
Duplessis’ modernization of agriculture
What is the Rural electrification program
Jean Lesage economic policy
What is economic nationalism/ state interventionism
What are crown corporations
Said “Vive le Quebec Libre” at Expo 67
Who is President Charles de Gaulle of France
The creation of crown corporations
What is economic nationalism
The driving force of the economy under Duplessis
What is American businesses/investment
Private companies merge to form a crown corporation
What is Hydro Quebec
To promote and broadcast French-language TV
What is Radio-Canada 1968
Passed by Pierre Elliott Trudeau in 1969
What is the Official Languages Act
Change of identity from French Canadiens to Quebecois
What is neo-nationalism
Was introduced in 1948 as a symbol of Quebec
What is the Quebec flag
The Financial Institution that manages pension and insurance plans
What is the Caisse du dépôt et placement du Québec
The opening of place des arts in Montreal
What is cultural affirmation
The public statement published by artists and intellectuals that opposed Duplessis
What is the Refus Global
Duplessis stance on economic development
What is economic liberalism