What is a primary source?
A source from the time.
How was society in medieval times structured?
The feudal system
What was the name of the area of land that is now Dublin called before the Ulster Plantation?
The Pale - the only part of Ireland still controlled by England.
How many colonies did America initially have?
What disease attacked the Potatoes?
The blight.
What does the word 'bias' mean?
Bias is when a source is one sided.
List the two stages of training to become a knight.
A page and a squire.
What monarch carried out the Ulster Plantations?
James I
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
4th of July, 1776
What product did Peel import to help famine victims?
'Peels Brimstone' (Corn/Maize)
What is chronology?
Chronology is putting events in order of time from start to finish.
What code did knights follow?
The code of chivalry.
Name the two most powerful families in Ulster before the Ulster plantation.
The O'Neills and the O'Donnells.
Explain the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre.
Boston Tea Party: A group of protesters dressed as Native Americans threw tea into Boston harbour to protest taxes.
Boston Massacre: Five people were killed in Boston by the British army.
Explain the term Laissez-faire and what was a cottier?
Laissez-faire - Do nothing and leave the Irish figure it out themselves.
Cottiers - labourers who rented a small plot of land.
Give and explain three ways in which archaeologists find sites.
Chance discovery, aerial photography, rescue archaeology, underwater archaeology, stories from myths and legends.
What was a jounrneyman?
After you were an apprentice you became a jounreyman. It meant you would work for someone else and you would be paid a wage. You couldn't set up your own shop.
Name two features of a plantation town and give an example.
On a river, Straight and wide streets, Central diamond or square market, Walled town. Derry/Londonderry is an example of a plantation town. Coleraine, Enniskillen, Lifford, Donegal, Belfast, Newry.
What treaty after the War recognised America as an independent state?
The Treaty of Paris.
Give two causes of the famine.
Rise in population, Subdivision of land, Dependence on the potato, The Blight
Give and explain three ways archaeologists date objects.
Stratigraphy - a method of dating objects where the oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest layers are at the top.
Dendrochronology - Finding out how old a piece of wood is by studying the patterns of rings.
Carbon 14 Dating - measuring the amount of carbon in an object to see how old it is.
What was the benefit of joining a guild?
They regulated trade, set prices and restricted the number of people who could practice the trade.
Name the six counties that made up the initial plantation.
Donegal, Derry, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Armagh and Cavan.
Name two American advantages and two British advantages.
America - Knew the land and could ambush British soldiers, They were motivated by an idea and Washington, America recruited the help of France, Spain and Holland.
Britain - They had a professional army, they had access to huge financial resources, they had the worlds strongest navy, not all Americans wanted to break with Britain.
Give two consequences of the Great Irish Famine.
Fall in population, Emigration, subdivision ended, decline in the Irish language, politics changed.