The Supreme leader of Iran
What is Khomeini?
The creator of the Ottoman Empire
What is Suleiman the Magnificent?
The one in the most control
What is the supreme leader?
Made government an autocracy and secular
What is Kemal?
Destroyed the Ottoman Empire
What is World War I?
The second highest position
What is the Guardian Counsel?
3 things that Suleiman the Magnificent built
What is schools, mosques, and libraries?
What the Ottoman Empire took over
What is Southeastern Europe and North Africa
The 3rd and 4th highest positions
What is the president and the maljis?
Conquered the Persian Empire and spread Greek culture
What is Alexander the Great?
The two positions that were elected by Iran
What is the president and the maljis?
Created the Persian Empire
What is Cyrus the Great?
The jobs of the guardian counsel
What is making sure that the laws follow the Quran?