An old way of getting a receipt
What is the token system
Judge of Israel, fought a war with 300 men and armed with vases and won. His flaw was that he did not have a strong trust in God
Who is Gideon?
egyptian god of death
God made the earth and humans
What are multiple gods called
God made a covenant with him, and made the nation of Israel.
Who is Abraham
Mother godess
Minoan snake goddess
Gods didn’t want to work so they made humans do it
What is the Mesopotamian creation story
What is a founder effect
He kills Goliath and dethrones Saul
Who is David
Renews conflict Apsu began. Sumerian
Zeus gets mad at humans because they have moved away from him so he floods the world, Poseidon saves 2 people faithful to him and they restart humanity
What is the greek flood story
A period of time when a population is reduced to 1 generation
What is a population bottleneck
Who was a mean ruler that was a tyrant to the Israelite people
Who is Saul
Jewish/ Christian god
Humans were to noisy so the god of the storm flooded the earth and drowned all humans other than one faithful one that remained and repopulated humanity
What is the Mesopotamian flood story
a rectangular structure that housed entrances to underground tombs
What is a mastaba?
He conquered Egypt. Death causes succession crisis in Persia
Darius I
Sumerian storm god
God saw humans were evil other than Noah, He told Noah to build an ark and put 2 of every animal on it. The storm passed and humanity and everything else was reborn
What is the Hebrew flood story