Expanding Democracy
Jackson and Federal Power
Development of American Culture

What is the expansion of suffrage?

Expansion of suffrage is moving from property-based voting rights to universal white male suffrage helped pave the way for a more participatory democracy


Who were the Democrats and The Wigs each led by? 

The Democrats were led by Andrew Jackson and the Whigs were led by Henry Clay  


What was the effect of the blending of European and American culture? 

These influences were adapted to reflect the unique American experience and contributed to the formation of a national identities American artists and writers were heavily influenced by European traditions,particularly Romanticism, which emphasized emotion, nature, and individualism Philosophical and literary movements in the U.S. incorporated European ideas such as transcendentalism, which drew on Romanticism’s focus on human potential and the natural world


What did the expansion of suffrage contribute to in terms of the election and its campaigns?

It contributed to the rise of populist candidates like Andrew Jackson, who had campaigned as a champion for the common man and advocated for policies that satisfied the broader base of voters  


The Democrats were champions for the common man who advocated for the limited federal government, states’ rights, and opposition to centralized power, what was The Whigs' support in contrast to the Democrats? 

In contrast, The Whigs supported a strong federal government and policies like protective tariffs, a national bank, and to promote economic growth, and federally funded internal improvements 


What is the difference between Romanticism and Rationalism  

Romanticism emphasizes emotion, nature, and individualism while Rationalism uses logic and rationality  


 The Whig Party opposed Jackson's policies

It led the Democratic Party to divide 


What were the Democrats' views on the Second National Bank compared to the Whig's views?

The Democrats were opposed to a Second National Bank claiming it was a tool for the wealthy elites and a threat to the state sovereignty while the Whigs were supportive of a Second National Bank because they saw it as a means to stabilize the economy, promote promote industry, and facilitate the growth of a national market  


What are 2 examples of the blending of American and European culture?

The works of Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper, which reflected both European literary traditions and uniquely American themes such as frontier life, nature, and individualism


 It was widely believed that Clay, the Speaker of the House, convinced Congress to elect Adams, who then made Clay his Secretary of State.

It was known as The Corrupt Bargain


What was the Trail Of Tears, what impact did it have on the American Indians who were removed and why do you think the government made this decision   

The Trail Of Tears was a forced displacement of 60,000 people of the "Five Civilized Tribes" between 1830 and 1850, and the additional thousands of Native Americans and their enslaved African Americans were ethnically cleansed by the United States government. The tribes who were forced out of their homes had a disastrous effect, especially on the people of the Cherokee tribe who faced loss of lives and tremendous hardship. The government made this decision to respond to the Native American Resistance that had led to wars and conflicts such as the Black Hawk War and the Seminole Wars in Florida, which cumulated to the Indian Removal Act of 1830 but also to make room for white settlers in Native American Lands 


True or False? America is a melting pot(If its true explain why and what a melting pot is)

True, a melting pot is a mixture of different cultures which America was at that time


1. What crisis highlighted the growing tension between states' rights advocates in the South and the federal government, illustrating the political divisions of the time?

2. What was the Tariff of 1828 also known as?

1. The Nullification Crisis 

2. The Tariff of 1828 was also known as the Tariff of Abominations 


What was the argument of the frontiers settlers that moving westward was a good idea? (Name all reasons why and ways they tried to achieve this goal) 

They saw westward migration as an opportunity for economic growth and personal freedom, they often were eager to expand their territories, viewing westward expansion as a way to gain access to cheap land and economic opportunities such as farming and trade so they regularly pressured the government to secure more land for settlement byby negotiating treaties, purchasing land, or forcibly removing Native American populations


What did Literature at this point explore?

Literature from this period often explored themes of individual freedom, the power of the human spirit, and the potential for societal change, echoing both Romanticism and the liberal social movements of the time
