” In the beginning God created the ___________”
Heavens and the Earth. Gen 1:1
Who are the ”Big 3” Greek gods?
Zeus, Posideon and Hades
This decorative handwriting was considered an important art in Ancient China
This ancient world leader was brilliant but brutal and created a huge empire
Genghis Khan
The Declaration of Independence was adopted on _____
July 4, 1776
What is the result of the Fall?
Sin entered the world.
what are the two most famous Greek city-states?
Athens and Sparta
The Great Wall of China
The Taj Mahal
The main writer of the Declaration of Independance was
Thomas Jefferson
What did God promise Abraham?
That his descendants would outnumber the stars.
Which city state does this describe: the boys were trained to be great warriors. Education was focused on athletic skill.
Thia palace in Beijing is combined of 980 buildings
The Forbidden City
What is the caste system?
A system that divided people into classes. It was very hard or impossible to move to a higher caste than the one you were born into.
Who was the first president of the US?
George Washington
The Israelites wandered the desert for how many years and why?
40 years. And because they disobeyed God and gave into fear.
Name 3 of the major Greek Philosophers, Mathmaticians and Scientists.
Socrates, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato, Archimedes or Thales
What is the name for a period of time when the main body if Chinese were governed by one family or group?
A Dynasty
Name one of the 3 major religions in India
Jainism, Hinduism, or Buddhism
How many states/ colonies did the US have ORIGINALLY?
What does Jacobs name mean?
What Greek writer is considered the father of history?
What is the first chinese dynasty for which we have written records?
The Shang Dynasty
Name 3 things that came from India and were traded on the Silk Road
Cinnamon, Sugar and Pepper
Quote the First section of the Declaration of Independance
“We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.“