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Key figures in French/Indian War
Was known as the "Father of English Colonization in North America”, was an early English colonial entrepreneur and founder of the Province of Maine in 1622.
Who is Ferdinando Gorges
A French Protestant.
What are French Huguenots
The first of the French and Indian Wars between France and England for supremacy in North America.
What was King William's War
A school that is maintained at public expense for the education of the children of a community or district.
What is Public Education
A prime contributor to the British victory over the French in Canada in the French and Indian War, but later his reputation suffered a blow in that letters were found where he attempted to have the Indians infected with smallpox by providing them infected blankets since it was known they had no resistance to smallpox.
Who is Jeffrey Amherst
Last Dutch colonial administrator of New Netherland which is now present day New York; in 1664 he was forced to surrender the colony to England.
Who is Peter Stuyvesant
Religious concept that proposed that second-generation members of the puritan church be granted the same privilege of baptism (but not communion) as had been granted to the first generation.
What is Half-way Covenant
This was the second of four wars in North America known collectively as the French and Indian Wars. France ceded the Hudson Bay territory, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia to Great Britain. France kept Cape Breton Island and the islands of the St. Lawrence.
What was Queen Anne's War
A rural elementary school often built in an exhausted corn or tobacco field and common in the South before the Civil War
What is Old Field School
British general who lost an intense battle at Fort Duquesne during the French and Indian War.
Wh o is General Braddock
Englishman and Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania.
Who is William Penn
A religious movement, led by Jonathan Edwards, that propounded the doctrine of sanctification by faith alone.
What are New Lights
War fought between Great Britain and its two enemies, the French and the Indians of North America. Most of the battles were in Canada.
What was the French and Indian War
A worker in a skilled trade, esp. one that involves making things by hand.
What are Artisans
French commander in charge of all French troops in Canada. Greatest success was in the taking of Fort Ticonderoga in July 1758.
Who is Marquis de Montcalm
Joint monarchs of England; William III and Mary II.
What are William and Mary
America's most important and original philosophical theologian.
Who is Jonathan Edwards
Name given to the third of the four French and Indian Wars 1744–1748 which involved a fight with Austria as well
What was King George's War
A concept involving the "classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions .
What is Social Stratification
British Prime Minister who waged war on France and During the Seven Years War (1756-63) he attacked French possessions and succeeded in driving France out of Canada.
Who is William Pitt
German-born colonial printer and journalist whose acquittal (1735) of libel charges in New York City established a legal precedent for freedom of the press.
Who is John Singleton Copley
A member of a conservative group in colonial America (as in a Baptist, Congregationalist, or Presbyterian church) opposed to revivalism and emotionalism in religion.
What are Old Lights
The Battle during the Final French Indian War (Seven years war) that gave the British a decisive victory over France and gained much land for the British.
What was The Battle of Quebec
The ability of individuals or groups to move upward or downward in status based on wealth, occupation, education, or some other social variable.
What is Social Mobility
He was a British Army officer who was instrumental in obtaining victory for Britain over France in the final French Indian War
Who is James Wolfe