Ancient History
Middle Ages
Modern Age
Contemporary Age
What is Prehistory?
Prehistory is the period from when the first humans existed about two million years ago, until the invention of writing.
When did Ancient history begin?
It began more than four thousand years ago when people invented writing.
When did the Middle Ages begin?
The Middle Ages began about 1500 years ago.
When did the Modern Age begin?
About five hundred years ago.
When did the Contemporary Age begin? What was it a time of?
It began 200 years ago. It was a time of industry and changes in society.
What are the two main periods of prehistory?
The Palaeolithic period and the Neolithic period.
What is a civilisation? Where were the first ones developed?
A society that shares the same culture and institutions. Greece, Egypt, China, and Mexico.
What were the two civilisations that lived in the Iberian Peninsula?
The Christian civilisation and the Islamic civilisation.
What are small kingdoms that come together with one King?
What is a vaccination?
Protection against a disease
What were the people called in the Palaeolithic period? Why were they called that? What did they use to make simple tools?
Nomads. They moved from place to place to look for food and shelter. They used Stone, Wood, and bones to make simple tools.
What was one of the most important civilisations in ancient history? What was the territory called? What was the capital? When did they arrive in the Iberian Peninsula?
Roman civilisation, Roman Empire, Rome, they arrived about two thousand years ago.
What were the four groups of Christians in the Middle Ages? Describe each.
nobles: owned land given to them by the King. They lived in castles. clergy: the religious people of Middle Ages. They looked after their own land and helped the poor. THey could often read and write in Latin. craftsmen: were skilled workers and made products from materials such as glass and Wood. The merchants traded products such as metal and textiles. peasants: worked hard on the land of the nobles. The peasants didnt receive a salary, but the nobles gave them protection.
What was this period a time for? Name two.
This period was a time of discovery and scientific invention. Compass and more accurate maps
Name an invention used in transport, medicine, and communication.
Steam engine, x-ray, radio or telephone.
Describe the Neolithic period. Name three things.
People started to live in one place and form communities. They started to grow crops and keep domestic animals. They used Stone and metal to make more complex tools.
What are the outdoor theatres where people watched fights between gladiators? What did they build to connect cities? What did they build over rivers? What did they build to carry water from rivers and lakes to cities?
Amphitheatres, Stone roads, Bridges, Aqueducts.
When did the Islamic civilisation begin? What are the religious buildings called?
It began when the Muslims arrived from the north of Africa. They built mosques
Who was Christopher Columbus? What year? What happened?
He was an explorer who sailed his ship west in 1492. He wanted to travel around the world to reach Asia in the east, but instead travelled west and reached the New World which we now call America.
Why did people move to towns and cities? Describe how these cities changed.
People moved for work. The urban population increased, there were new streets and shops, there were services such as schools, hospitals and public transport.
Spell the two main periods of prehistory
Palaeolithic and Neolithic
Spell the outdoor theatres. Spell what was used to carry water from rivers and lakes to cities.
Amphitheatres, Aqueducts
Spell the areas where Christian Spain was divided into, Spell the religious building the Christians built and the religious buildings the Muslims built.
Kingdoms, Churches and Cathedrals, Mosques.
What was a very important Modern Age invetion? What did this invention do? Spell it.
GutenbergĀ“s printing press. This invention meant that it was quicker and cheaper to produce books and maps.
Spell the medicine that helps protect against disease, the age tha began 200 years ago, and the machine that allows you to see your bones.
Vaccination, Contemporary Age, and x ray