What do HIV stand for?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
How can you prevent HIV transmission when having intercourse?
What is the historically marginalized group that was blamed for the AIDS epidemic?
Gay Men
What organ does Hepatitis C affect the most?
The Liver
This singer disclosed to the public that he had AIDS less than 24 hours before he passed away from an AIDS related illness.
What does AIDS stand for?
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Name 2 ways besides intercourse that someone can get HIV
sharing needles, pregnancy/breastfeeding
What decade was the first AIDS case documented?
1980's (1981)
Name 2 serious health problems that can occur from Chronic HepC (longer than 6 months)
liver disease (cirrhosis), liver cancer
This basketball player had to retire form his NBA career due to the stigma surrounding his HIV diagnosis.
Magic Johnson
What type of cells does HIV infect?
Cells of the immune system (T cells)
Name 3 ways that HIV is NOT transmitted
kissing/touching, sharing food/drink, insect bites, sharing shower/toilet
What did Princess Diana do that was historic for the AIDS epidemic?
She shook hands with and hugged people with AIDS on national television, demonstrating it wasn't transmissible through touch
How is HepC transmitted?
blood to blood contact (sharing needles, unsanitary piercing/tattoo, etc.)
This west coast rapper passed away from AIDS related illness in 1995.
True or False - people with HIV can test negative when taking medication as prescribed
True! antiretroviral therapy, causes amount of virus in your system to be undetectable (when taken as prescribed)
What is the name of the medication that you can take to reduce your risk of getting HIV?
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis - PrEp: daily medication
What is the name of the 12 year old boy who advocated for children with AIDS to be able to go to school?
Ryan White
Is it possible to clear a Hepatitis C infection without treatment?
Yes - but less than 50% of people are able to clear the virus in the first 6 months after infection without treatment.
This actor, famous for his role in sitcom Two and a Half Men, disclosed his HIV diagnosis publicly in 2015.
Charlie Sheen
Name 3 symptoms of HIV once it has progressed to AIDS
Swollen lymph nodes, Weight loss, Opportunistic Infections, Yeast infections, Unexplained bruising or bleeding, Spots on skin (purple-ish), Neurological symptoms
What is the name of the medication that aims to prevent infection after exposure to HIV?
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis - 28 day medication regimen
How many people have died from AIDS since the first documented case?
40-42 Million
How is HepC treated & is it curable?
8-12 weeks of oral medication cures more than 95% of patients
This singer, who started one of the largest AIDS foundations, famously said "I should be dead. I should have contracted HIV in the 1980s and died in the 1990s. Every day I wonder, how did I survive?"
Elton John