What are the 5 main roles in League of Legends?
Top Lane, Jungle, Mid lane, Bot lane, Support
What does Cassidy say in their Ultimate?
It's High Noon
What are the different types of agents?
Sentinels, Controllers, Initiators, Duelists
What is the name of our Mascots?
Scotty and Norm
How many playable characters are in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
Who was the most picked Champion in Worlds 2024?
Who is Torbjorn's daughter?
Fill in the blank.
___ with the Stimmy.
What building are we in?
Student Success Center
In what year was Super Smash Bros. Ultimate released?
Which Champion has the highest number of skins?
Miss Fortune
What does Reinhardt say during his ultimate?
Hammer Down
Who are the American Valorant Agents?
Brimstone, Gekko, Viper
What is the newest building at UCR?
The School of Business Building
Which character can absorb projectiles using their down special move "Bucket"?
Mr. Game & Watch
Who has a crush on Vayne the Night Hunter?
Dr. Mundo
Which hero states "I have my eye on you"
In Valorant, which specific weapon has the unique property of having the fastest reload time in the game, and what is the exact reload time in seconds?
The weapon with the fastest reload time in Valorant is the Shorty, with an exact reload time of 1.25 seconds.
What locations at UCR accept meal swipes?
Glasgow, Lothian, Noods Noodles
What is Kled's Full title?
High Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard Company
Which character is not only recognized as a mathematical value but something else?
What are the canon ships in Valorant? (Must list all canon ships)
KJ and Raze, Phoenix and Jett
Who is always at HLG tabling on Wednesdays?
KD aka Diallos
Which fighter’s Final Smash animation in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has a visual homage to a specific ending from their original game?
King K. Rool’s Final Smash
Homage to the "Game Over" ending of Donkey Kong 64