  1. The first step in critical thinking problem solving is to

    1. evaluate the evidence.

    2. gather information.

    3. identify and clarify the problem.

    4. consider alternatives.

3. Identify and clarify the problem

  1. Etiquette rules used in the workplace are called

    1. protocol.

    2. ethics.

    3. policies.

    4. morals.

1. protocol

  1. A lab technician is speaking loudly about the reason a patient is having a blood test outside the patient's door. What principle of health care ethics has the tech violated?

    1. Justice

    2. Veracity

    3. Confidentiality

    4. Role fidelity

3. confidentiality

  1. Assault is defined as

    1. publicly damaging another's reputation.

    2. the action that causes bodily harm to someone.

    3. needless or willful damage.

    4. the open threat of bodily harm.

4. the open threat of bodily harm.

  1. A nurse who steals drugs from a medication cart is committing an offense under what kind of law?

    1. Common law

    2. Criminal law

    3. Administrative law

    4. Civil law

2. criminal law
  1. A student medical assistant doing his or her internship in a physician's office refuses to wipe up a spilled drink in the exam room hallway because he or she believes housekeeping is not part of his or her job description. The student is demonstrating the absence of which quality deemed necessary for successful health care practitioners?

    1. Compassion

    2. Technical skill

    3. Common sense

    4. Courtesy

3. Common sense

  1. A housekeeper at a local hospital has worked her way up to housekeeping supervisor. But as she thinks about her future, she realizes that she only works to be recognized and have responsibility. She determines that she is not recognized for her work and decides to go to a nursing school. At what stage might she be in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

    1. Esteem stage.

    2. Safe and secure environment stage.

    3. Concrete operational stage.

    4. Conventional morality stage.

1. Esteem stage.

  1. Coinsurance is

    1. a percentage of the fee-for-services provided that the patient pays.

    2. a set amount that each patient pays for each office visit.

    3. a portion of the fee that the physician must write off.

    4. the actual payment the insurance company makes to the provider.

1. a percentage of the fee-for-services provided that the patient pays.

  1. A physician assistant provides treatment to a person who has come to the emergency room for treatment of a painful rash. This is an example of a(n)

    1. written contract.

    2. limited contract.

    3. verbal contract.

    4. implied limited contract.

4. implied limited contract

  1. A patient was harmed when the oxygen tank she was using exploded. When filing a lawsuit, what type of damages might this patient be awarded?

    1. General compensatory

    2. Consequential

    3. Special compensatory

    4. Punitive

2. consequential

  1. Unethical behavior is alway

    1. unacceptable.

    2. illegal.

    3. punishable by legal means.

    4. punishable by professional groups.

2. illegal

  1. A patient undergoing surgery signs an informed consent for the procedure. Which of the following principles of health care ethics does informed consent protect?

    1. Autonomy

    2. Role fidelity

    3. Confidentiality

    4. Nonmaleficence

1. autonomy

  1. A practice act

    1. Defines what is meant by practice of the individual profession in each state.

    2. Explains requirements for licensing of a profession.

    3. Defines grounds for suspension or revocation for a specific profession.

    4. All of these are part of a practice act.

4. All of these are part of a practice act.

  1. From which of the following does an implied contract result?

    1. The terms of the spoken agreement.

    2. The legally worded contract.

    3. The actions of the parties involved.

    4. The written contract.

3. the actions of the parties involved

  1. A patient's mammogram is reviewed, and the radiologist reports a normal exam. Six months later, the patient finds a lump in her breast. The patient has a lumpectomy and makes a full recovery. It was determined that the mass was present and visible in the original mammogram. The patient sued claiming mental anguish. What type of damages might she be awarded?

    1. General compensatory

    2. Consequential

    3. Special compensatory

    4. Punitive

1. general compensatory

  1. The health care professional who studies law and ethics gains perspective on current issues that affect health care practice. Which of the following accurately describes one of those issues?

    1. A decrease in health care costs makes health care more affordable.

    2. The media has ensured that everyone has the same access to medical care.

    3. With the advancement of medical technology, patients expect favorable outcomes.

    4. Health care professionals should not be involved in the legal issues of patients.

3. With the advancement of medical technology, patients expect favorable outcomes.

  1. An x-ray technician witnesses a nurse diagnosing a medical problem for a patient. Which of the seven principles of health care ethics has this nurse violated?

    1. Justice

    2. Nonmaleficence

    3. Role fidelity

    4. Veracity

3. role fidelity


  1. A health care profession that is certified may find the scope of practice for that profession in the __________ practice act.

    1. nursing

    2. hospital

    3. medical

    4. ambulatory care facilities

3. medical

  1. Both parties in the physician-patient relationship have certain rights and responsibilities. Which of the following is a physician responsibility?

    1. Exercise his or her best professional judgment in all cases.

    2. Treat every patient who seeks medical care.

    3. Restore the patient to his or her original state of health.

    4. Possess the highest skills possible within the profession.

1. Exercise his or her best professional judgment in all cases.

  1. Alternative dispute resolution has become increasingly popular over the years. What is the reason for this increase?

    1. Shortage of attorneys to represent clients

    2. Ease of proceedings

    3. Better overall results

    4. Overcrowding of court calendars

4. overcrowding of court calendars

  1. A new employee in a large medical practice is looking for the professional etiquette staff members are expected to follow. Which would be the best source for learning these rules?

    1. The employee's professional code of ethics.

    2. The state's medical practice acts.

    3. The bulletin board in the employee lounge.

    4. The office policy manual.

4. The office policy manual.

  1. A doctor prescribes a placebo for a patient who he feels is complaining of pain that is not there. This is an example of a violation of what principle of health care ethics?

    1. Justice

    2. Veracity

    3. Role fidelity

    4. Beneficence

2. Veracity

  1. A new long-term care facility is applying for accreditation of the facility. To which of the following organizations should the facility submit the accreditation application?

    1. The American Health Care Association

    2. The National Committee for Quality Assurance

    3. The Joint Commission

    4. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs

3. joint commission

  1. A patient leaves the hospital before their physician discharges them. This is referred to as leaving

    1. against hospital advice.

    2. against insurance company advice.

    3. against nonmedical advice.

    4. against medical advice.

4. against medical advice

  1. manda is a nurse in Dr. Smith's pediatric practice. She accidentally gives a patient the wrong medication. Dr. Smith is held responsible under

    1. res ipsa loquitur.

    2. respondeat superior.

    3. implied contract.

    4. expressed contract.

1. res ipsa loquitur
