Poetry/ Figurative Language

Reread, "Eating Alphabet Soup." Which lines include alliteration?

("The Capitals, sir, Can cause quite a stir." Capitals, can, cause, and quite all begin with the hard c sound.)

Define: possible

It is possible to do well on your module assessment if you focus and work hard in class.

able to be done, a chance for something to happen


How can we best revise sentence 4?

A) change would to could B) change would to must   

C) Change would to might D) No change is needed

(1) To bake cupcakes pour 1 box of cake mix and add in two eggs and a cup of oil. (2) In a different cup, stir in additional sprinkles. (3) __________ quickly, you will mix the cake batter with food coloring to make a fun color. (4) You would beat the batter quickly to get it to change colors.

B) change would to must


Reread, "Why Art Centers Matter." What claim does the author make about art centers? What evidence do they give to support this claim? (p. 306)

Art centers are needed in every community to connect, inspire, and bring joy to people. The evidence the author gives to prove art centers are needed is they: offer artists a place to perform or display their work; give people a place to experience different kinds of art; bring people together; boost local economy


What kind of figurative language does J. Patrick Lewis use on page 351? Explain its meaning.

The poet uses a metaphor to compare a library to a garden. This means that a library filled with wonderful books is the best way to "grow" excitement about reading.

Define: steadily

Sentence: She climbed slowly but steadily up the ladder.

In a regular controlled or even matter.


Fill in the blank with the word that works best.

To bake cupcakes pour 1 box of cake mix and add in two eggs and a cup of oil. In a different cup, stir in additional sprinkles. __________ quickly, you will mix the cake batter with food coloring to make a fun color.


A) Beat B) Beats C) Beating D) Beated

C) Beating


Reread, "The Beatles Were Fab (And They Were Funny)." How do the authors support their perspective that the Beatles were funny? (p. 317)

After they invited the audience to clap along to their last song, John joked about having the royal family rattle their jewelry to the beat of the music. The fact that everyone laughed, including the royalty, is evidence that supports the authors’ perspective that the Beatles were funny.


How does the illustration on page 353 contribute to the silly tone of the poem?

The illustration shows a kid's reflection in the soup. His mouth is wide open, ready for a spoonful. The letters are both in and out of the bowl, causing "quite a stir."


Define: observant

The observant teacher noticed a student who was not paying attention in class

Pays careful attention to


Read the following paragraph.

Should sentence 3 be changed? If YES, state the change. If NO, say, "No Change"

(1) Making cupcakes is a fun activity for all to join. (2) All you need is: cake mix, eggs and oil to make delicious cupcakes. (3) If you want to make them extra special, you might could add extra sprinkles. (4) Combined in the bowl, the cake mix, flour and eggs will make a delicious batter. (5) Children who have never maked cupcakes before should ask a grown up for help.

Remove might

Reread page 341. How are hip-hop and break dancing related? How are they different? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

Hip-hop and break dancing are related because hip-hop is a "way of life" that "includes the dance style known as breaking." They are different because breaking is only one dance style that is part of hip-hop.


Who is the narrator in, "Balloon" (page 356)? How do you know?

The narrator is a child because he/she says, "a kid like me."

Define: sumptuous 

splendid and expensive looking


Read the following paragraph.

Should sentence 4 be changed? If YES, state the change. If NO, say, "No Change"

(1) Making cupcakes is a fun activity for all to join. (2) All you need is: cake mix, eggs and oil to make delicious cupcakes. (3) If you want to make them extra special, you might could add extra sprinkles. (4) Combined in the bowl, the cake mix, flour and eggs will make a delicious batter. (5) Children who have never maked cupcakes before should ask a grown up for help.

No change needed!


Reread page 326 . What examples of descriptive and sensory words do the authors use to help you visualize the Beatles’ arrival at Shea Stadium?

(“flashbulbs light up the sky,” “a wall of screams”)


What type of poem is, "Necessary Gardens"? How does the poem's structure add to its meaning?

This is an acrostic poem for the word language. The word is arranged vertically on the page. Each line begins with a capital letter that, together, spell the word language. The poet uses this structure to connect libraries to the word language.

Define: polished

After much hard work, the guitarist gave a polished performance at the school talent show

Accomplished and skilled

Read the following paragraph.

Should sentence 5 be changed? If YES, state the change. If NO, say, "No Change"

(1) Making cupcakes is a fun activity for all to join. (2) All you need is: cake mix, eggs and oil to make delicious cupcakes. (3) If you want to make them extra special, you might could add extra sprinkles. (4) Combined in the bowl, the cake mix, flour and eggs will make a delicious batter. (5) Children who have never maked cupcakes before should ask a grown up for help.

Change maked to made