The King of Scotland at the beginning of the play?
Who is King Duncan.
She helps Macbeth arrange the murder of King Duncan.
Who is Lady Macbeth.
Knowing that Macbeth's prophecies have come true, who is the first person to suspect Macbeth of Duncan's murder?
Who is Banquo.
Who is working to help Malcom take the throne back from Macbeth and his family is eventually killed by Macbeth?
Who is Macduff.
How has Lady Macbeth been acting since King Duncan's death?
She has been feeling guilty, sleep walking, and saying "out damned spot."
This describes Macbeth's character at the beginning of the play.
What is brave and loyal.
This let's Macbeth know that it is time to murder King Duncan.
What is ringing a bell.
Who says that being king is worthless if his position is not safe and feels that Banquo is a threat to him?
What prediction does Macbeth make about how he will die?
He will die a natural death, rather than be murdered by his enemies.
How was Birnam Wood brought to Dunsiane?
Malcolm commands that every soldier cut down a tree branch from Birnam Wood and carry it with them.
These three characters give Macbeth prophecies that awaken his ambition to become king.
Macbeth imagines seeing this floating in the air, covered in blood. A sign that he is nervous about murdering King Duncan.
After arranging Banquo's murder, who dies and who survives?
Banquo is killed and his son Fleance survives by running away.
What does Macbeth decide to do after his visit with the witches in the cave?
Attack Macduff's castle and kill his wife and children.
How does Macbeth react after Lady Macbeth's death?
He calls human life meaningless and says that he cannot mourn her properly.
Who is Banquo.
Macbeth saying that "there is not enough water in the ocean to clean his hands of Duncan's blood" is an example of what figure of speech?
What is hyperbole.
Finish this sentence: "all things gained through evil..."
This describes Macbeth's character after arranging Duncan and now Banquo's murders.
Are made and secure through more evil.
What does Malcolm do to test Macduff's loyalty?
Malcolm describes his character flaws.
How does Macbeth decide to face death?
With his armor on and fight until the end.
What are the prophecies that the witches give Macbeth and Banquo?
Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland.
Banquo's descendants will become Kings of Scotland.
Who is believed to be guilty of Duncan's murder because they fled Scotland?
His sons Malcolm and Donalbain.
This goddess of witchcraft is angry that the weird sisters got involved with Macbeth without including her and angry with Macbeth for using them.
Who is Hecate.
What are the three apparitions that the witches reveal to Macbeth and what do they mean?
1. head wearing a helmet- beware Macduff thane of Fife
2. A bloody child- no person born of a woman can hurt Macbeth
3. A child wearing a crown- he cannot be defeated unless the forest of Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane
Who ends up fulfilling the prophesy and kills Macbeth? How?
Macduff, he was born by C-Section.