This website is used for completing i9s
i9 Advantage
what does HCR mean
Headcount Request
What is a Fatal flaw
We should send the CO email at the processing station
SAT2 is known as this type of FC
What is an AR Sortable
All scans of a candidate's document are in this format
How do I know what overtime day is tied to the shift?
The number in the shift code Ex. NF6 - Fiday is the 6th day of the week
what is the maximum amount of candidates in the DT Room
9 candidates and 1 coordinator
T1 - Regular - Hybrid - FC Ready Flex - SAT2 - should have which offer letter template selected
CO Letter NACF/AMZL Flex
These sites are Sort Centers
Theses are the two required fields for uploading a badge photo
What is CID and Location Code
What detail in an HCR shows the candidates shift information
What is Shift code/description
After a candidate starts the drug test I do not need to interact with them until they are done.
Checking up on candidates at all steps of the process can help reduce potential Fatal Flaws
If I sent the CO to a candidate and they wanted to change shifts, what action would I take?
see if another shift is available, if available change the hcr, and send a new CO
How many sites are currently in the SAT Node
What actions are needed if a candidate does not have the correct i9 documents
Have the candidate look at the list of acceptable documents,
Offer to have them come back later today (before EOD)
if not able to return before EOD help them reschedule for another day using the NHE portal
Where can I find the bonus information on an HCR
These are the two option SAT uses for DT delivery
Quest pickup and Fedex
True or False
You can edit the CO template information in SF
False - no one should be editing any information on the CO letter being sent to the candidate
These sites have candidates handle items larger than the amazon box, (bonus- how many are in SAT node?)
AMXL (bonus- 2)
This is a mismatch of information on the i9 that cannot be easily fixed by field teams, and will require the candidate to fill out some additional information for the work authorization team
What is a Tentative Non-confirmation or (TNC)
What field in the HCR is used to see if there are any openings for that HCR
The "Open" field (if it is 0 or negative it is not available)
What actions should take place for a DT Retake?
Verify Candidate using a photo ID
Fill out a new COC and submit a new DT in the DT portal
Arrive in SF
Initiate in SF
T1 - Seasonal - Flex - Locker+ - LAU4 - what offer letter template should this candidate receive?
Contingent Offer Letter LOCKERS +
SAT4 is going to be this type of FC
Traditional Non-sort