
What should you do if you receive a 24/7 case from US, and the customer confirms he only wants to work during NA time zone?

 Start working on the case and remove the 24/7 flag.


What should you do if you receive a case 24/7 from Mexico, and the customer tells you he will only be working during IST business hours?

Inform the customer we will move the case to the desired time zone, update the notes, change the case country, and time zone and remove the 24/7 tag so the case can be assigned during the requested time.


What should you do if you have a case from Mexico which is marked as 24/7, where the customer never replied during your working hours?

A: Ask the customer to confirm their working hours and keep the case with you until customer confirms what his working hours are.


What is the very first thing you should confirm when you receive a 24/7 case?

Use any means (phone/email/chat) to reach out to the customer and confirm as soon as possible what his available hours will be to work on the case.


What should you do if the customer wants to work with us, but then at the end of the day he informs he wants to continue working only during IST.

Update the case notes, update the time zone/country, and remove the 24/7 tag before moving the case back to queue.


Q: What should you do if you receive a case from India where the customer is asking to work 24/7 on an RCA?

A: Inform the customer RCA should only be worked during their business hours, confirm his desired working hours, and proceed accordingly.


What should you do if the customer confirms he and his team will be available to work 24/7?

Assist the customer during your shift, update the case notes and move the case back for HO at the end of your shift. (Not at the end of your queue time)


What should you do if you have a case from Germany which is marked as 24/7, where the customer never replied during your working hours?

Leave a note informing customer is unresponsive during NA hours, remove 24/7 tag, and move the case back to the queue.


Q: What should I do If I receive a HO where the CSAM/IM is pushing to keep sending the case as HO just for monitoring?

A: Inform the CSAM/IM what the correct procedure is and inform your Manager/TA about the situation.


 What should you do if you receive a 24/7 case from United Kingdom, and the customer confirms he only wants to work during NA hours?

Keep the case ownership, update the country/time zone, and remove the 24/7 tag.


What should I do if I get a HO from EMEA for a collab where NET has not been active several hours ago?

Inform your TA immediately so we can heck the case and decide if is it a valid HO as well as next actions to follow.


Q: What should I do if I receive a Sev 1/A HO where the customer is looking for RCA?

A: Inform the HO sender this is not a valid scenario for HO and proceed to inform your TA as well.


What should you do if you receive a 24/7 case from United Kingdom, and the customer confirms he only wants to work during UK hours?

Update the case notes, update the time zone/country, and remove the 24/7 tag before moving the case back to queue.


What should I do if I receive an internal HO where the customer is not active?

Reach out to any of the CR HO review guys immediately for further review of the HO.


Q: Once my TA confirms the HO is POC and should be sent back to the queue or the previous owner what should I do?

A: Inform the on-shift DM immediately that the case has been moved and that you are available.
