Who is believed to have played the first recorded game of hockey?
British Soldiers
What piece of equipment protects your head?
What penalty is shown by crossing your arms in front of your body.
What does NHL stand for?
National Hockey League
What play has the most career points in the NHL?
Wayne Gretzky
Where were the first official hockey rules created?
McGill University
You will speed on your feet when you're wearing these.
How many rules does the NHL have?
87 rules
Daily double!!!!! What does AHL stand for?
American hockey league
What shape was the original hockey puck in?
What year was the NHL started in?
Daily double!!!!!
What is made out of wood and fiber glass?
Hockey stick
What person is responsible for enforcing the rules and calling penalties.
The referee
What does CHL stand for?
Canadian hockey league
The Anaheim Ducks were named after this Disney movie.
Mighty Ducks
What team won the first Stanley Cup?
Montreal hockey club
It is hard to throw snowballs with these on your hands.
Hockey gloves
How many games are played in a regular season?
82 games
What does WHL stand for?
Western hockey league
What type of pass was not allowed in the early years of the game?
Forward pass
When was the Buffalo Sabre's named?
Your hockey socks will fall down if you don't wear this.
Garter belt
What does the referee do when a goal is scored?
Point at the net.
What does CVHA stand for?
City of Vaughan hockey association
Why is "Sabre" spelled how it is in the "Buffalo Sabres" name?
Sabre is the Canadian spelling