The Cub Scout Motto
Do Your Best
What is cyber bullying?
It means using technology, such as the internet, texting or video games, to bully or hurt someone's feelings.
What is netiquette?
Having the proper behavior while online and being nice to people online.
You're online and you meet someone your age in a chat room. They would like your phone number and address so you can get together.
What do you do?
You should NEVER give out your name, phone number or address to anyone you meet online. If you really want to have an "offline" conversation with this person, check with your parents FIRST. See if they can think of a safe way to arrange it.
What rank are you working to earn?
Arrow of Light
Demonstrate the Cub Scout Sign.
What does it mean?
Two fingers up means you are at attention and ready to listen to Akela.
("wolf ears")
You have many tools that you can use if you encounter a cyberbully.
Name three possible solutions to dealing with one.
1. ignore them, don't fuel them
2. ask them to stop
3. get help from a trusted adult
4. report the bully in the game
What does U-Y-N stand for?
Use Your Netsmartz
You're visiting a site from a company or organization that you've heard of. They want your name and phone number so you can enter a contest.
What should you do?
Never give your personal information without permission.
If a legitimate company wants to collect information from children -- even to enter you in a contest -- they must first get your parent's permission. This not only protects your safety, but your privacy too.
Who is Akela?
Your parent, guardian, trusted adult
Fill In the blank:
To keep myself physically ___ , ___ awake, & ___ ___.
physically strong
mentally awake
morally straight
What are two examples of cyber bullying?
1. Sharing negative images of someone
2. Spreading rumors
3. Mean comments
4. Threats online
Your friend texts you and tells you your favorite Video game is stupid.
Should you say something mean back to him?
No. Its best not to say anything back. Talk to your parents or trusted adult about what you should do.
You're in the middle of a chat session and someone says something really mean.
What should you do?
Don't respond. Tell a trusted adult if it bothers you.
Can Cub Scouts use knives?
Yes. But only if they have earned their Whittling Chip
How many points are in the Scout Law?
(Can you recite it?)
12 points
A scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.
How is cyber bullying and physical bullying related?
They both make the victim emotionally hurt or can lead to bad thoughts.
Name one trusted adult.
Mom, dad, grandparents, uncles, aunts, older brother, or older sister
You're browsing online and an ad pops up for a FREE iPad!
What should you do?
Ignore the pop-up and don't click on the ad!
Clicking various ads could put a virus in your computer. It can also allow hackers to steal personal information from your computer.
What is the most expensive popcorn we sell?
Chocolate Lovers $50
What is the meaning of WeBeLoS?
We Be Loyal Scouts
Who should you report cyber-bullying to?
A trusted adult and the website owner
Benji asked Blake for his friend Kyle's e-mail address.
What should Blake do?
You both should ask for Kyle's permission to share his email address. Never share private information without permission.
Your parents have set rules as to what you can do on the internet when you're at home, but you're at a friend's house. Should you go by your parents' rules or do whatever your friend does?
Follow your parents rules.
There may be additional rules based on where you are. If your friends parents' have extra rules for your friend, you'll have to go by those too. When you're at school, follow those rules too. You should always talk with your parents about what they think is best.
Name the Cub Scout 6 essentials?
Water Bottle
First Aid Kit
Sun Protection
Trail Food