Holden calls a lot of people this word when he thinks they’re fake.
Holden gets kicked out of this school, which he describes as "full of phonies."
What is "Pencey Prep"
Holden's sister, one of the only people who isn’t a “phony."
Who is Phoebe?
When talking to Sunny, Holden claims to have had surgery?
What is "Clavichord"
When Holden Doesn't like something, he uses this word.
What is "Corny"?
After leaving school Holden heads to this hotel
What is the Edmont?
The first name of Holden's roommate.
What is Ward Stradlater?
Who's Mother does Holden Lie to on the Subway
Who is Ernest Morrow?
Holden uses this expression when describing people messing around.
what is "Horsing around"?
In chapter 12, Holden goes to this snobby location.
What is Ernie's?
This former teacher gives Holden some life advice.
Who is Mr. Spencer
what is Holden's excuse to stop talking to Mr. Spencer
What is "I have to get to the gym."
How does Holden describe his taxi driver in chapter 9
What is a "wise guy"
This is the fancy bar in the Edmont Hotel where Holden tries to order a drink.
What is the Lavender Room?
Who writes Holden an invitation to their Christmas Eve Celebration?
Who is Sally Hayes?
What name does Holden use when speaking to the woman on the subway?
What is Rudolf Schmidt?
when holden describes people who laugh too much, he says they “laugh like” this animal.
what is "Laugh like a hyena"
What did Holden quit because he was "surrounded by phonies."
What is Elkton Hills?
What former Whooton classmate was Holden about to call.
Who is Carl Luce?
What is the name of the movie star Holden claims to see in the Lavender Room.
Who is Gary Cooper