Stanley is at Camp Green Lake because he actually stole a pair of sneakers.
Who is the boy who was sent to Camp Green Lake after being wrongly accused of stealing sneakers.
Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake after being accused of stealing this.
Clyde Livingston’s sneakers
This is a large, deep pit dug by the boys at Camp Green Lake.
A hole
The story primarily takes place at this location.
Camp Green Lake
The Warden paints her nails with rattlesnake venom.
Who is Stanley’s closest friend
At Camp Green Lake, the boys are forced to do this every day.
Dig holes
This word refers to a poisonous reptile with yellow spots that lives in the camp.
Yellow spotted lizard
Camp Green Lake is located in this type of landscape.
Zero is a descendant of Madame Zeroni.
Who is the cruel leader of Camp Green Lake who is searching for treasure.
The Warden
Stanley and Zero survive in the desert by eating this.
This is the term for someone who unlawfully takes another person’s belongings, like Kissin’ Kate Barlow.
Thief or outlaw
The mountain where Stanley carries Zero is shaped like this body part.
Stanley runs away from Camp Green Lake with Zero and survives by eating peaches.
False(by onions)
How is the outlaw that was known for kissing her victims before robbing or killing them.
Kate Barlow
The curse on Stanley’s family is broken when Stanley does this for Zero.
Carries him up the mountain
This is the type of vegetable Sam grew, which was said to have healing properties.
Before drying up, Green Lake was surrounded by this sweet-smelling crop.
Peach orchards
The boys find treasure at Camp Green Lake and all become millionaires.
False(only zero and Stanley)
Who is the Yelnats ancestor who caused a family curse by failing to fulfill a promise to Madame Zeroni.
Stanley’s great great grandfather
The boys discover that the Warden was actually making them dig holes to find this.
Kate Barlow’s treasure
This word describes a prediction or promise about the future, like the curse on Stanley’s family.
prophecy (or curse)
Stanley and Zero escape Camp Green Lake and find shelter at this place, where onions grow wild.
God’s thumb