Camp Green Lake
The Past
Solving the Mystery of Green Lake
Beyond the Book

What is Stanley's last name. What is interesting about Stanley's full name?

Yelnats? His name is a palindrome.

Describe who is in charge of Camp Green Lake.

The warden is a woman with red hair and freckles. She wears a cowboy hat, boots, and has rattlesnake nail polish.


When was Camp Green Lake really a lake?

Around 100 years ago.


What do Stanley and Zero find on the mountain?

Water and onions?


What would have happened if Stanley had not given the tube to X Ray when he found it? 

The Warden would have found the treasure.


Who is the person that the Yelnats family blames for all of their bad luck?

Their no good dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather ?


Who is the convicted criminal that works for the Warden and is in charge of "overseeing" the boys' work

Mr. Sir.


Who helps Elya Yelnats win Myra's hand in marriage but puts a curse on the family when he doesn't keep his promise. Who is this person related to at Camp Green Lake?

Madame Zeroni is related to Zero, or Hector.


What saves Zero in the desert after he runs away?

He hides underneath Mary Lou and finds jars of sploosh?


Describe how the shoes that Zero stole are related to Stanley and Kate Barlow.

They are the reason that Stanley is sent to the camp. They stink just like Trout Walker's feet did. 


How is Elya Yelnats important to Stanley's situation at Camp Green Lake?

He forgot to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain and brought a curse upon the family.


What is the nickname that the boys gave Stanley at camp. Why is it important that he gets a nickname?

Caveman. This shows that the other boys have accepted him into their group.


Who wants to court Kate Barlow but she doesn't want anything to do with him. He searches for her gold his entire life. How did he get his nickname?

Trout Walker and his feet smelled like a couple of dead fish?


What hasn't happend in Green Lake since Sam was killed. Why?

It hasn't rained? God is punishing the town for what they did to Kate and Sam.


What happens to Stanley's father after Stanley carries Zero up the mountain?

His foot spray invention works as the family curse has been broken.


Where is Camp Green Lake? 

It is in the state of Texas.


Who is "Mom" and what is his role at the camp? Explain his nickname.

Mr. Pendanski is the "counselor" at Camp Green Lake? In his role as counselor he cares for the boys as a mother would.


Who is Sam? Describe his relationship with Kate.

 He grew onions that could cure anything. He fixed up the schoolhouse for Kate and they fell in love, which was against Texas law at the time.


Who was the first victim of Kissin' Kate Barlow. Why was he a victim?

She kills the sheriff because of what he wanted to do to Sam and because he tries to get her to kiss him.


What is sploosh?

What Zero calls the peaches he finds under Sam's boat and what Stanley's father calls his invention.


Who does the gold tube that Stanley found belong to?

It belongs to Kissin Kate Barlow.


Who told Stanley that if he finds anything interesting while digging holes that he should give it to him instead of to Mr. Sir?



Who and what was Mary Lou?

The name of Sam's mule and his boat


How is the curse on Stanley broken?

Stanley carries Zero up the mountain, he is a descendant of Madame Zeroni.

Why don't Stanley and Zero get bitten by the lizards?

Because they have eaten so many onions.
