Stanley’s great grandfather was asked how he lived so long. He said he found refuge on?
refuge on God's thumb
What creature did X-Ray say ate dirt? (Hint) it is a creature that crawls on land)
A worm
What did Katherine Barlow get a special prize for every year at the town's picnic?
Her fabulous spiced peaches
What did Mr. Sir do to the boy that asked about his face?
Mr. Sir held the boy's head to the pot of oatmeal.
When he got back to his hole he noticed that it was nearly finished.
Who was digging Stanley's holes while he was gone?
After Zero stared at Stanley.
What did Zero say about the sneakers and Stanley?
You didn't steal the sneakers
Katherine Barlow taught what age of person at night at her school?
She taught adults.
What is this a picture of?
Bowl of Oatmeal
What did Stanley almost step on while going back to his hole?
A rattlesnake
4. When Stanley first started helping Zero with reading. He recited the alphabet to him. How many mistakes did Zero do when he repeated the alphabet back to Stanley?
1. Four
2. Not a single mistake
3. Did not know the alphabet at all.
Not a single mistake
What was the man's name that Katherine Barlow turn down to go on their new boat?
Trout or Charles Walker
What book are we reading?
What is this a picture of?
When Stanley was going to teach Zero to reading and write.
How many letters a day did Zero say that Stanley would teach him?
A. 5 Letters
B. No letters
C. 10 letters a day
C. 10 letters a day
Is Katherine Barlow the only teacher in town?
Yes, She teaches all ages.
What did Mr. Sir do with the water when he was filling Stanley's canteen?
He made the water flow to the ground instead of filling his canteen.
What is this a picture of
Red nail polish
Where did Stanley realize he had seen the gold tube before?
Hint: (Something about his mother.)
His mother's bathroom
One hundred and ten years ago the Green Lake was what_________ in Texas?
It was the largest lake in Texas.
Why didn't Mr. Sir fill the Stanley's canteen
He was made at Stanley for saying that he stole the sunflower seeds.