What is the name of Green lake's school teacher?
Katherine Barlow
Who is the main character?
Stanley Yelnatz
Who is the fastest digger?
Hector (Zero) Zeroni
Who is the lead counselor for group D?
Mr. Pendanski
What baseball player is at Stanley's new house?
Clyde Livingston
What is the name of the onion seller?
Sam the Onion man
What is Stanley's father trying to do at the beginning of the story/ for bonus points what does he do at the end?
Invent a way to recycle sneakers, finds a cure for foot odor.
Who is the leader?
Who is the first camp employee Stanley meets?
Mr. Sir
How much money do Stanley and Zero recieve?
Slightly less than a million dollars
Trout Walker
What is the name of the girl who Stanley's great great grandfather rejects?
Myra Menke
Who helps Stanley steal the car?
What is the Warden's last name?
What were Stanley and Zero able to do with their money?
Stanley bought a house
Zero found his mom
What does the town do when they find out Sam and Katherine kissed?
Burn the schoolhouse, kill sam and Mary Lou
What is the profession of Stanley's great grandmother
Who pushes Stanley to the ground when he uses his real name?
Who comes and takes over the camp when the Warden is being investigated?
The texas attorney General
What is the name of the product Stanley's dad invents?
What is the name of the Dr. of the town?
Dr. Hawthorne
Where is the Yelnatz family from in Europe?
Who is the person that Stanley replaced?
Which Counselor believes that they should kill Stanley and Zero?
Mr. Pendanski
What is special about the day Stanley's dad makes his breakthrough?
Was the day after Stanley carried Zero up the mountain.