Chapter 30
Chapters 31-34
Book Skills
Holes Review: Inferences & Details
Holes Review: Sequencing, Predictions & Main Idea
How many holes has Stanley dug?
How does Twitch get his nickname?
He is always fidgeting
What is main idea?
Main idea is the message of the story
What two characters in the story are connected by stinky feet?
Clyde 'Sweet Feet' Livingston and Charles 'Trout' Walker
Who is the best-dressed male teacher in the school?
Mr. Koerner. Hands down. High-five for whoever got this right! Other answers get -5,000 points
Why are the boys being such jerks to Stanley?
Various answers, but... It's hot or they are jealous
Why does nobody chase after Stanley?
They know he will have to come back to get water
What is a prediction?
An educated guess about what will come next
What did Twitch say he could do well?
Hot-wire and steal cars
Make a Prediction: What will Stanley and Zero do next?
Various Answers
Is Mr. Pendanski living up to his nickname of Mom?
No. He makes fun of Zero and calls him stupid and encourages the boys to fight.
Predict whose boat is sitting in the lake-bed?
Sam, the onion mans
Can a prediction be wrong?
No, as long as it is reasonable
Do the holes keep getting harder to dig? Or are they easier now?
Easier, because Stanley is getting stronger
Give an example of a bad prediction about what will happen next in the book
Various answers, but it should be something not realistic at all meow
Put the following events in the order they occurred: Stanley moves to the front of the lunch line, Zero runs off Zig-Zag gets an extra carton of juice, Mr. Pendanski fires his gun, Stanley and Zig-Zag fight
1. Zig-Zag gets an extra carton of juice 2. Stanley moves to the front of the lunch line 3. Stanley and Zig-Zag fight 4. Mr. Pendanski fires his gun 5. Zero runs off
Sequence the following events: Stanley sees the boat Mary Lou, Zero is erased from the records, Stanley steals Mr. Sir's car, Stanley finds an empty sack of sunflower seeds, Twitch shows up
1. Zero is erased from the records 2. Twitch shows up 3. Stanley steals Mr. Sir's car 4. Stanley finds an empty sack of sunflower seeds 5. Stanley sees the boat Mary Lou
What is an inference?
Taking prior knowledge and what we have read to draw conclusions
Why do the boys spit in a hole when they are done?
To show how much they don't like it
Is this a good main idea for Chapter 3? Why? "Stanley was on the bus to Camp Green Lake. It was air-conditioned. The guard on the bus had sunglasses on. We hear the song Stanley used to have sung to him by his father. They arrive."
No, it is too detail focused. Too many sentences
What is the main idea of Chapter 30, in 1 or two sentences?
Various answers, but... Zero and Stanley's teaching plan gets uncovered and Zero runs off
What't the main idea of Chapters 31-34, in 1 or 2 sentences?
Zero gets replaced at Camp Green Lake. Stanley goes after Zero
What is sequencing?
Taking the book's events and putting them in order
What character from the past is Zero related to?
Madame Zeroni
Sequence the following events across the entire book so far: Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake, The gold tube is found by Stanley, Zero begins to learn how to read, Elya Yelnats carries a pig up a mountain, Stanley becomes the Caveman
1. Elya Yelnats carries a pig up a mountain 2. Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake 3. Stanley becomes the Caveman 4. The gold tube is found by Stanley 5. Zero begins to learn how to read