What do they call stanley
what is the warden looking for
suitcase/stolen loot
why did they kill sam
because he kissed Kate barlow
what was the first Stanley's yelnats name
what does Mr.sir do before eating sunflower seeds
what is zigzags real name
how did Mr.Pendianski get knocked out?
by a shovel
who burned down the school
trout walker
In the movie why did Mr.sir tell Stanley to not move?
Because there was a lizard behind him
what twas zeros great great grandmas name
madame zeroni
what is armpits real name
what does stanley teach zero to do
what was the park called
laney park
how did barf bag get hurt
by getting bit by a rattlesnake
when stanley and zero found the suitcase what was on it?
yellow spotted lizardes
what is the wardens real name
how did Kate barlow die?
yellow spotted lizard
what did Sam get killed on
a boat
why did Kate barlow start murdering people?
because she wanted revenge
what is barf bags real name
what broke the curse
stanley carried zero up big thumb and sang if only on Big thumb
how much money was the loot in the chest?
$25 million
who created the tradition to spit in the holes after digging
the wardens grandfather
where did Sam go to get his onions
big thumb