What mythological being is a part of St. Patrick's Day lore and Irish culture?
How many nights does Hanukkah last?
Which popular Christmas beverage is also called "milk punch?"
How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?
Three Days
Why do we celebrate Valentines day?
To honor St. Valentines death
February 14,273 AD, Rome, Italy
Since 1992, what Japanese city has put on its own St. Patrick's Day parade?
What is the name for money given as presents during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah?
What are the two most popular names for Santa Claus?
Kris Kringle and Saint Nick
What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration?
Venison, swan, duck and goose were likely—not turkey!
When was February 14 first declared to be Valentine's Day?
The first-ever St. Patrick's Day Parade in 1762 didn't take place in Ireland as you might have thought. Where did it take place?
The United States
What colors are associated with Hanukkah?
Blue, white, and sometimes silver
How many ghosts show up in A Christmas Carol?
When was the first Thanksgiving NFL game?
How many heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are typically sold each Valentine's Day?
35 million
To celebrate St. Paddy's Day in Ireland, Dublin hosts a huge festival that lasts how many days?
Four days
Which Hanukkah toy was used as a decoy after learning the Torah was outlawed?
The dreidel
In the classic Christmas movie, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch was described with three words. What are they?
your a mean one Mr Grinch
your cuddly as a cactus
you got termites in your smile
what is the most eaten Thanksgiving dessert?
On average, how many marriage proposals are there on every Valentine's Day?
Before becoming a priest, Saint Patrick was abducted and brought to Northern Ireland at what age?
True or False: Gift giving is a long-standing Hanukkah tradition.
Which country did eggnog come from?
when was thanksgiving first celebrated?
About how many roses are sent for Valentine's Day each year?
50 million