This is the highest grossing Holiday movie of all time
What is Home Alone
The world-famous Christmas tree in New York City is locate here
What is Rockefeller Center
Fruit Cake
* This is Santa’s favorite snack to receive
What is milk and cookies
This song evokes the spirt of Hanukah?
What is My Dreydl
This Asian country Serves KFC as their traditional Christmas Meal
What is Japan
Candy Canes
This traditional potato dish is served throughout Hanukkah
What are Latkes/Latkas
* Clark’s Christmas bonus in “A National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” was this
What is a “one-year membership in the jelly of the month club”
This country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas Tree
What is Germany
This is the most popular meat eaten in the US on Christmas
What is Turkey
This is the total number of gifts given in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
What are 364 Gifts
In this Central European county, Children leave their shoes out on December 5th to be filled with small gifts if they’ve been good
What is The Netherlands
This is the most popular Holiday sweet treat consumed around the world
What is Minced Pies