Christmas Movie Quotes & Nursing Questions
Christmas Songs & Nursing Questions
Christmas Traditions & Nursing Questions
Christmas Nativity Story & Nursing Questions
Christmas Mix-up & Delegation and Prioritization

"I guess I really don't know what Christmas is all about."

1. A patient tells you her last menstrual period was May 3rd, 2020. According to Nagele’s rule when is her expected due date? a. March 10th, 2021 b. February 15th, 2021 c. February 10th, 2021 d. January 28th, 2021

What is A Charlie Brown Christmas

Rationale: Nagele’s rule determines the estimated delivery date by the last menstrual period. The formula is add 7 to the day, subtract 3 months and add 1 year. Day: May 3rd + 7 = 10 Month: May – 3 months = February Year: 2020 + 1= 2021


No crib for a bed


1) A nurse is caring for an 82-year-old female whose hemoglobin is 6.3mg/dL. The nurse is preparing to administer a blood transfusion to the patient. The nurse demonstrates an understanding of the procedure when she obtains which solution to hand with blood?

a. Lactated Ringers

b. 0.9% Normal Saline

c. 0.45% Normal Saline

d. Dextrose 5% in Water (D5W)

What is Away in a Manger


1) B.0.9% normal saline. When hanging a blood transfusion, the only solution that is compatible with blood is 0.9% normal saline. All the other solutions are not compatible with blood in any circumstances.


Weekend after Thanksgiving


1. A 32-year-old client with no significant medical history delivers her newborn at 39 weeks 1 day. The nurse notices the newborn is jittery and lethargic, she obtains a blood glucose which resulted in 45mg/dL. What is the nurse’s priority action?

a. Administer oral dextrose to the newborn

b. Ask the mother to continue frequently breastfeeding the newborn

c. Determine if the mother had gestational diabetes

d. Evaluate the mother’s white blood cell count

What is when most Americans put up a Christmas tree

Correct answer: B. Ask mother to breastfeed the newborn. A blood glucose of 45mg/dL is at target level for a newborn. Good breastfeeding can help the newborn can help maintain the newborn’s blood sugar level. A newborn would be given oral dextrose at glucose levels below 45. The mother has no significant medical history, so the nurse does not need to determine whether the mother had gestational diabetes.



1) A nurse is receiving shift report on a Med-Surge floor, which patient does she see first?

a. A 10-year-old post op from a J-Pouch surgery reporting chills and abdominal pain.

b. A COPD patient tired in bed and with an oxygen saturation of 89%.

c. A patient with a history of a positive COVID test who is requesting a visitor.

d. An 80-year-old woman with a documented IV pressure ulcer on her coccyx.

What was Jesus born in


b. A COPD patient tired in bed and with an oxygen saturation of 89%.


December 25, 336 A.D.

What was the date of the first Christmas celebration


"...we live on the most boring street in the whole United States of America..."

2. A pregnant patient (25 weeks) during her assessment tells you information regarding her previous pregnancy outcomes: She currently has 4 children (ages 2, 4, 7, 10) the first born was born at 36 weeks, but the rest were born at 39 and 40 weeks gestation. She has been pregnant 6 times including this pregnancy. How would you document her GTPAL?

a. G: 5, T: 3, P: 1, A: 1, L: 5

b. G: 6, T:4, P: 0, A: 0, L: 4

c. G: 5, T:3, P:1, A:1, L:4

d. G: 6, T:3, P: 1, A: 1, L: 4

What is Home Alone

Rationale: This mother has been pregnant a total of 6 times which is the gravida. The mother had her children who are 2, 4, and 7 at 39 and 40 weeks which is considered term so that would be 3 for term. One of her children was born preterm at 36 weeks. She currently has 4 living children and is pregnant at 25 weeks. Therefore, there is one left over which means she also had one abortion.


Was a jolly happy soul


2) A nurse is caring for a patient who has a PEG tube in place. The patient has Q6 scheduled feedings and is due for one now. The patient just received medications via PEG tube 15 mins ago. What is the priority action the nurse should take?

a. Administer the tube feeding at the scheduled time.

b. Call the physician to schedule a new feeding time.

c. Wait 15 mins and document the reason for late tube feeding.

d. Wait until the next scheduled tube feeding in 6 hours.

What is Frosty the Snowman


2) C. wait 15 mins and document the reason for the late feeding. When administering medications prior to a tube feeding, the tube feeding must be held for a total of 30 mins after medication administration before a feeding can begin. The nurse should not administer the tube feeding before the 30 min time frame, the physician does not need to be called, and the feeding should not be pushed back until the next scheduled time. It is important for the nurse to document the reason for the late feeding.




2. A nurse is completing an assessment on a newborn baby. When the nurse unwraps the newborn and returns the newborn to the crib, the nurse notices the newborn’s fingers fan out along with the arms and legs moving in jerking motion with abduction and extension. What is an appropriate action by the nurse?

a. Re-swaddle newborn and complete assessment at a later time

b. Contact provider and report seizure activity

c. Document a normal reflex in the newborn’s health record

d. Obtain a temperature reading to rule out newborn shivering from feeling cold

What is a tree with fake snow called

Correct answer: C. Document normal reflex. This is the startle reflex that we assess for when lifting the newborn up slightly. Seizures in a newborn often include staring, loss of consciousness, stiffening of the body, and respiratory problems. Newborn’s do not have the ability to shiver, so obtaining a temperature would be inappropriate. There is also no need to re-swaddle and delay the assessment at this time.


The angel Gabriel

2) A nurse receives an order for digoxin for a patient with uncontrolled atrial fibrillation. Upon assessment before administration, their apical pulse is 55, what action is most appropriate?

a. Administering the prescribed dose IVP.

b. Retaking the pulse with a monitor then administering.

c. Holding the digoxin and contacting the provider.

d. Administering prescribed metoprolol in place of the digoxin.

Who appeared to tell Mary that she was with child


c. Holding the digoxin and contacting the provider.



Question #1

Which action is most appropriate for the nurse to delegate to an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?

A. Assisting a client with a prosthetic leg to ambulate to the bathroom.

B. Teaching a client with diabetes about carb/calorie counting.

C. Asking a client who recently had surgery about their pain intensity.

D. Making sure the client took the medications the nurse left on the over bed table. 

What company was the first to use Santa Clause in an advertisement


A. Assisting a client with a prosthetic leg to ambulate to the bathroom.


"I know he's mean and hairy and smelly."

3. A nurse is performing a postpartum assessment on a patient when they find a uterus that feels soft and boggy. Which of the following nursing interventions would be the most appropriate to do right away?

a. Elevate the mothers head of bed

b. Encourage the mother to void

c. Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots

d. Massage the fundus until it is firm

What is How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Rationale: If the uterus is not firm upon assessment the first intervention is to massage the fundus until it is firm so that any clots that may be in the uterus will come out. This is to decrease the risk of hemorrhage. Elevating the head of the bed and encouraging the mother to void would not do anything for the clots that could be in her uterus and will not help with uterine atony.


You can count on me


3) A 12-month-old infants diagnosed with phenylketonuria is starting to eat solid foods. Which foods should the nurse recommend to the parents that the infant can eat?

a. Scrambled eggs

b. Peanut butter

c. Pasta with cream sauce

d. Cheerios

What is I'll Be Home For Christmas


3) D. Cheerios. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disease in which patients can only have a limited amount of protein in their diet or no protein at all. Out of all the answers, cheerios are the food that has the smallest amount of protein. Eggs, peanut butter, and cream-based pasta all contain high amounts of protein and should not be consumed by patients with PKU.


Goose feathers


3. The physician prescribes penicillin potassium oral suspension 5 mg/kg/day in four divided doses for a client with anorexia nervosa who weighs 40kg. The medication dispensed by the pharmacy contains a dosage strength of 5mg/5 ml. How many milliliters of solution should the nurse administer with each dose?

What were the first Christmas trees made from

Correct Answer: 50mL

To determine the total daily dosage, set up the following proportion:

30 kg/X = 1 kg/5 mg

X = 200 mg.

Next, divide the daily dosage by four doses to determine the dose to administer every 6 hours:

X = 200 mg/4 doses

X = 50 mg/dose.

The adolescent should receive 50 mg every 6 hours.

Lastly, calculate the volume to give for each dose



A baby lying in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes

3) Which response is most appropriate from the nurse after a patient decides to change their advanced directives to a select-DNR?

a. “Once I have documented these changes, you can’t alter them if you change your mind.”

b. “I am now legally obligated to notify the state of your change from full code to DNR.”

c. “No steps will be taken to save your life if your condition worsens.”

d. “Do you have any more questions or concerns about your change in status that I can answer?”

What sign were the shepherds supposed to look for when searching for Jesus


d. “Do you have any more questions or concerns about your change in status that I can answer?”



Question #2

Which of the following is a skill that may be performed by LPNs and LVNs?

A.  Manage care of clients with chronic conditions

B.  Determine nursing diagnoses

C.  Provide care for clients with acute conditions

D.  Perform admission assessments

What country is noted for the origin of the Gingerbread House


A.  Manage care of clients with chronic conditions


"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! When I get home, I'm getting a CAT scan!"

4. A patient is receiving labetalol and is wondering why they are receiving the medication. What would be the best explanation to the client why they are receiving this medication?

a. “This medication cures your preeclampsia.”

b. “Labetalol helps your baby with lung maturation after pre-term birth.”

c. “Labetalol is a beta-blocker that affects the heart and circulation and treats hypertension.”

d. “This medication will prevent you from developing a blood clot.”

What is The Santa Clause

Rationale: The answer is that labetalol is a beta-blocker that helps lower the patients blood pressure and treats hypertension. This medication will not “cure” pre-eclampsia, but it can treat it. Labetalol is not used for fetal lung maturation after pre-term birth that is betamethasone (celestone). And this medication cannot prevent you from developing a blood clot that would be an anticoagulant not a beta-blocker.


Bearing gifts we traverse so far


4) A nurse is caring for a patient receiving Lanoxin (Digoxin) and Furosemide (Lasix). The nurse understands that which of the following reported by the patient should be assessed immediately?

a. Night sweats and headache

b. Vomiting and halos around lights

c. Stomach upset and headache

d. Low blood pressure and dark urine

What is We Three Kings of Orient Are


4) B. vomiting and halos around lights. Digoxin is used as a treatment of congestive heart failure. Signs of an overdose in digoxin are visual disturbances. If the patient reports a change in vision, this needs to be assessed immediately as it is a sign of toxication. The other answers are not indications of toxication in the administration of digoxin.


White Christmas


4. The nurse prepares to infuse packed red blood cells into a client with a hemoglobin of 7mg/dL. To limit the likelihood of a hemolytic reaction, what is the nurse’s initial action?

a. Administer diphenhydramine 30 minutes before transfusing

b. Have epinephrine ready for injection

c. Request that the blood be slip into bags of smaller volumes

d. Check identification of donor blood and client

What kind of Christmas did Bing Crosby dream of

Correct answer: D. important to identify if the correct bag of blood for the client receiving it because the blood is crossmatch by the blood bank to match the clients blood type to help prevent reactions. The purpose of the crossmatch is to detect the presence of antibodies in the recipient against the red blood cells of the donor. These antibodies attach to the red blood cells of the donor after transfusion. If the blood isn’t the right one for this client, then the antibodies of the blood could attack those of the client. Proper identification of donor blood and client is important in preventing incompatibility.


A feeding trough

4) Which side effect would be most concerning for a patient to report after starting a new regimen of Lisinopril?

a. Dizziness or lightheadedness.

b. Blurred vision.

c. Persistent, dry cough.

d. Headache.

What is a manger


c. Persistent, dry cough.



Question #1

You are in charge of a team consisting of a registered nurse (RN), a licensed practical nurse (LPN), and a nurse aide (NA). Which tasks canNOT be delegated to the NA for most effective use of team members?

A. Take vital signs on a postoperative client one day after surgery.

B. Provide a bed bath for a client on contact (isolation) precautions.

C. Obtain a blood glucose reading on a client with diabetes.

D. Provide client education about a wound dressing change.

E. Emptying a urine drainage bag and recording the amount.

What year was "A Christmas Carol", by Charles Dickens published


D. Provide client education about a wound dressing change.


"You see, he was made out of Christmas snow, and Christmas snow can never disappear completely."

Question 1

A nurse is deciding on delegation assignments on the unit. Which assignment should an LPN be assigned?

-Admit a patient to the unit

-executing a nursing care plan

-Taking vital signs on a stable patient

-Administering blood products to a patient

What is Frosty the Snowman


Only registered nurses can admit patients and administer blood products. LPNs can take vital signs on a stable patient, however, this will be a better assignment for a CNA. It would be the most appropriate to assign the LPN to execute or follow a nursing care plan already created by a registered nurse.


Singing sweetly through the night


A newborn baby in the Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/Gyn) unit is experiencing hyperbilirubinemia. Which of the following interventions treat hyperbilirubinemia? Select all that apply.

a. Phototherapy

b. Penicillin G

c. Breastfeeding

d. Fiberoptic blanket

e. Ferrous Sulfate

Angels We Have Heard On High


● (a) Phototherapy= Bilirubin levels tend to decrease when exposed to blue spectrum light due to bilirubin’s ability to absorb light. Phototherapy turns bilirubin into water-soluble isomers that are excreted by the liver.

● (c) Breastfeeding= Breastfeeding provides adequate hydration and caloric intake for the newborn. Receiving frequent and effective breastfeeding can help the baby’s body eliminate bilirubin.

● (d) Fiberoptic blanket= Is another form of phototherapy, but in a blanket form. The fiberoptic blanket contains the same blue light used for phototherapy. It is known for allowing phototherapy use at home due to its portable illuminator.


Give a kiss

1. Where do you administer a hepatitis B vaccine in a newborn?

a. Gluteus maximus

b. Biceps femoris muscle

c. Vastus lateralis

d. Plantaris tendon

What should you do under a mistletoe


c. Vastus lateralis

Rationale: You give a shot to an infant in the vastus lateralis because it is a very large muscle and it avoids the risk of hitting the sciatic nerve when administering an shot in the gluteus maximus.


Jesus, Immanuel, Christ, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace

What are the five names of Jesus found in the Bible


It's A Wonderful Life

Question #4

When making staff assignments what criterion is most important when delegating tasks to other members of your nursing team?

A. Who will ultimately be responsible for the client's care?

B. Is the activity within the person's job description?

C. How much experience does the team member have?

D. What is the acuity level of the client?

What Christmas movie has been played more than any other


D. What is the acuity level of the client?


"I was listening for a sound I was I'd never hear: the sound of Santa's sleigh bells."

Question 2

According to Bartholomew’s rule, if the fundus is at the level of the umbilicus, the age of gestation is

 12 weeks

 16 weeks

 20 weeks

 36-38 weeks

What is The Polar Express


When the fundus is at the level of symphysis pubis-12 weeks

Midway between symphysis pubis and umbilicus-16 weeks

Umbilicus-20 weeks

Xiphoid process-36-38 weeks


She didn't see me creep

2. You are the registered nurse for a pregnant patient in the Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/Gyn) unit receiving magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia. What will you assess on the patient during the infusion? Select all that apply.

a. Blood glucose monitoring

b. Cardiotocography (CTG)

c. Vitals

d. Fluid intake/output

e. Deep tendon reflexes

What is I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

Correct answers:

● (b) Cardiotocography (CTG)= Consists of fetal heart rate and uterine contraction monitoring. Maternal exposure to magnesium sulfate is associated with a lower fetal heart-rate baseline. It is important to monitor the fetal heart rate to keep it within the accepted normal range.

● (c) Vitals= Monitor vitals especially close attention to oxygen saturation and respiratory pattern. Respirations less than 12/minute, shortness of breath, or respiratory arrest are signs of magnesium toxicity. Watch out for drops in pulse or blood pressure because it also indicates another sign of magnesium toxicity.

● (d) Fluid input/output= Urinary output less than 30 ml/hour is a sign of magnesium toxicity.

● (e) Deep tendon reflexes= One of the first signs of magnesium toxicity is the loss of tendon reflexes.



2. You are a nurse coming onto your shift in the ED and you have four patients, which patient should you see first?

a. A patient with a blood sugar of 175 needing insulin

b. A patient who is complaining of shortness of breath and chest pain

c. A patient with a broken arm reporting 9/10 pain

d. A patient with COPD whose SpO2 is 88%

What/how many candles should go on an Advent wreath


b. A patient who is complaining of shortness of breath and chest pain

Rationale: You would see this person first because of the ABC’s. You are concerned about the patients breathing in this situation. A patient with a blood sugar of 175 who needs insulin is not critical so it can wait. A patient with a broken arm is expected to be in a lot of pain and a patient with COPD is expected to have a SPO2 in the 88%-92% range.


Gold, incense, and myrrh

What gifts did the wise men bring to baby Jesus


New York

Question #3

The obligation or willingness to be answerable for one’s own actions and/or the actions of another, particularly when there is assignment or delegation of tasks, is referred to as which of the following?

A. Evaluation

B. Supervision

C. Accountability

D. Responsibility

What city did "Miracle on 34th Street" take place


C. Accountability


"Oh, Christmas isn't just a day, it's a frame of mind...and that's what's been changing."


 A nurse comes into work and is receiving her assignments for the day. Which patient should the nurse see first?

 -a client being discharged today

 -a client who needs tracheostomy care who have secretions

 -a client who reports 6/10 pain due to arthritis

 --a client with a pressure ulcer who needs a dressing change

What is Miracle on 34th Street


Trach care will be the top priority as this reflects on ABCs, airway-related tasks should come first, after this, pain should be addressed, than the dressing change, and the patient being discharged will come last.


Had a very shiny nose

3. You are the registered nurse to a pregnant patient in the Obstetrics and Gynecology unit (OB/Gyn). The patient asks you what the difference between gestational hypertension and preeclampsia is. What is your response to this patient?

a. “Gestational hypertension is another term for preeclampsia.”

b. “Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia share the same qualities, such as high blood pressure. The one thing that differentiates gestational hypertension from preeclampsia is the absence of protein in the urine or another indication of end organ damage such as: visual disturbances, low platelets, elevated liver enzymes, right upper quad pain, new onset of headache."

c. “Gestational hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure readings are higher than 160/90, while preeclampsia is diagnosed when blood pressure readings are higher than 170/90.”

d. None of the above

What is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Correct answer:

● (b) “Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia share the same qualities, such as high blood pressure. The one thing that differentiates gestational hypertension from preeclampsia is the absence of protein in the urine or another indication of end organ damage such as: visual disturbances, low platelets, elevated liver enzymes, right upper quad pain, new onset of headache”.”= Gestational hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure readings are higher than 140/90 mm Hg and has no proteinuria (protein in urine) or other symptom noted above.


Egg Nog

3. A 35-year-old male presents to the ED with severe pain and swelling in the testicles. He is also complaining of abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting. What is the priority action?

a. Apply heat to the testicles

b. Administer oxygen

c. Contact the provider and prep patient for surgery

d. Encourage patient to ambulate

What is the most popular drink available only around Christmas


c. Contact the provider and prep patient for surgery 

Rationale: This patient is presenting with hallmark signs and symptoms of having testicular torsion which is a medical emergency and needs to be operated on as soon as possible.


"God with us"

What does the name Immanuel mean


Barnum's Animal Crackers

Question # 2. 

The allocation of tasks that each staff member is already authorized to perform during a given shift is referred to as which of the following?

A. Integration

B. Delegation

C. Supervision

D. Assignment

What popular children's cracker today was introduced in 1902 as a Christmas ornament


D. Assignment


"You did it! Congratulations! World's best cup of coffee! Great job, everybody! It's great to be here."

Question 4

 Which of the following laboratory tests assesses coagulation? Select all that apply.

 -Partial thromboplastin time

 -Complete Blood Count


 -Prothrombin time

 -Platelet Count


What is the movie Elf


Partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, and platelet count all assess coagulation. BUN assess kidney function. CBC assess RBCs, white blood count, amongst other related labs and hemoglobin is apart of the CBC.


City sidewalks, busy sidewalks

4. You are a registered nurse to a pregnant patient in the OB/Gyn unit. You look at the patient’s chart for information on her Rhesus (Rh) factor. You know that Rho gam is used to treat:

a. Rh-negative mother with Rh-negative infant

b. Rh-negative mother with Rh-positive infant

c. Rh-positive mother with Rh-negative infant

d. Rh-positive mother with Rh-positive infant

What is Silver Bells

Correct answer:

● (b) Rh-negative mother with a Rh-positive infant= The immune system of an Rh-negative mother treats the Rh-positive cells in the infant as a foreign substance. This causes the mother’s body to make antibodies against these fetal blood cells and attack the developing baby.


The Nutcracker

4. You are a nurse in a psych hospital orientating a new nurse and you are teaching them about schizophrenia. Which statement states that they understand the teaching?

a. Schizophrenia can be treated

b. People with schizophrenia are dangerous

c. Schizophrenia makes a person unable to hold a job

d. Schizophrenia can affect anyone at any age, but most commonly patients develop symptoms between adolescence through age 30.

What Christmas ballet is the most famous of all


d. Schizophrenia can affect anyone at any age, but most commonly patients develop symptoms between adolescence through age 30.

Rationale: Schizophrenia is a disease that can affect anyone at any age, however it usually happens within the time frame listen above in the highlighted answer. People with schizophrenia are not known to be dangerous, and while it cannot be treated, the disease can be managed so a person can live a normal life.



Who gave birth to Jesus


In "Jingle Bell Rock" everyone is dancing and prancing

Question #1

The process whereby a nurse directs another health-care team member to perform specific nursing tasks, procedures, and activities that are beyond the person’s traditional role and are not routinely performed by that person is referred to as which of the following?

A. Integration

B. Delegation

C. Supervision

D. Assignment

What is Jingle Bell Square


B. Delegation


"I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!"


The patient is on strict I&O. For breakfast, the patient drank 1 cup (8oz) of coffee, 4oz of juice and 240mL of milk. For lunch, the patient had a styrofoam cup of tea (6oz) and 12oz of broth. What is the total intake (in mL) for breakfast and lunch? Include units of measurement in your answer.

What is the movie A Christmas Story




Come they told me


The drug ordered is for lactulose 1000mg PO BID. The pharmacy sends a container labeled lactulose 1g/10mL. How many mL will the nurse administer per administration?

What is Little Drummer Boy




Cookies and milk


The physician orders cefdinir 200mg PO q12h for a child that weighs 30kg. The drug reference information states that the recommended dose for children from 6 months to 12 years is 7mg/kg total daily. Is the ordered dose safe for this patient? Answer yes or no.

What should little children leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve




80 miles


The physician ordered 1000 mL of lactated Ringer’s to infuse over 20 hours. What is the hourly rate?

How many miles did Mary and Joseph travel to for the census




Round/oval candies filled with fruit preserves or cream and covered with chocolate


The primary health-care provider orders 1 unit whole blood (120 mL) over 2 hours. The available IV tubing drop factor is 10 gtt/mL. What is the flow rate in drops per minute for this IV infusion? Include units of measurement in your answer.

What are sugar plums




"Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings."


The patient has an IV of D5W infusing at 125mL per hour continuous. What will be the total intake of IV fluid over 8 hours? Include units of measurement in your answer.

What is the movie It's a Wonderful Life




How are thy leaves so verdant


The MD ordered Benadryl 50mg orally q6h as needed for a patient. The nurse has a bottle of benadryl labeled 12.5mg/5mL. How many mL will the nurse administer to the patient? Include units of measurement in your answer.

What is Oh Christmas Tree




"Twas the night before Christmas"


The patient/client is to receive Zyprexa (olanzapine) 10 mg po twice a day. Each tablet contains 2.5 mg. How many tablets would the patient/client receive for each dose? Include units of measurement in your answer.

What popular Christmas storybook do children enjoy


4 tablets


Luke 2


The physician ordered 1 L of D5W/0.9% NS to infuse over 4 hours What is the hourly rate?

What book of the Bible tells about the birth of Jesus


250 ml's/hour


"I'll be back again someday"


An IV is ordered to infuse at 150 mL/hr. The nurse has an IV infusion set with a drop factor of 10 gtt/mL. What is the flow rate for this gravity IV infusion? Include units of measurement in your answer.

What were Frosty's last words


25 gtt/min
