Santa is still stressed since christmas ended, what's a good way for him to spend his time and feel better
What is watching christmas movies
Santa has been eating a ton of cookies with milk and always feel sluggish and tired, what's a way he could improve his energy
What is eating a balanced diet
On Santa's ride back from southwest Florida, Santa has been spending a lot of time in the sun, what vitamin is he getting in the sun
What is Vitamin D
Santa is finding it hard to get up in the morning, like he doesn't have enough energy, what kind of Carbohydrates would give him the most energy.
what are Complex carbohydrates
Santa and Ms. Clause feel stressed and distant from each other, what's a good way for them to fix these
What is baking christmas cookies
If Santa's reindeer are overweight because they are eating too much, what's a good method to help them lose weight
What is Eating less hay
Santa Passed out in a living room while delivering presents, what micronutrient might he be lacking
What is Vitamin A
Santa wants to have some cookies, but he is tired of his sugar cookies, which traditional cookie would have less sugar
what are chocolate chip cookies
Santa has been having a few Christmas cocktails to maintain stress but it isn't getting better, what could make him feel less stressed
What is drinking less alcohol
If Santa is feeling unenergetic, what's a good and healthy source of energy
What are carbohydrates
Santa is cramping while getting onto the sleigh, what micronutrients would help him not cramp (electrolytes)
What are Sodium, potassium and magnesium
Santa wants more protein to help his muscles for the day, what traditional Christmas dishes holds a lot of protein
what is Christmas Ham
If Santa's elves always feel stressed and cooped up after making presents, what's a way for them to feel better after work
Santa has been laying around too much since Chritsmas ended and gained a few too many pounds, what's a good way for him to lose some of that weight
What is chasing reindeer
Santa is being very moody, as if his thyroid isn't making the hormones it needs to feel okay, what micronutrient should santa focus on getting to help these changes
What is iodine, vitamin d, or zinc
Santa is going to eat a snack mid night while delivering presents, which Fats should he look for to help him stay awake and energized for the rest of the night
What are Saturated and unsaturated fats
Santa has been feeling overwhelmed since the holidays started, what's a treat he can have to help with his stress
What is dark chocolate
The grinch has been very angry since the holidays started, what's a way for him to to feel better
What is eating more onions
Santa is having trouble seeing through the night, what VItamin can help him keep his vision strong
What is Vitamin A
Santas Cookies have too much sugar in them, what can he substitute the sugar out for and still have them sweet
What is stevia