German Facts
Holiday Stress
Overcoming Holiday Stress
Children and the Holidays

This was a wedding celebration for King Ludwig of Bavaria in 1810

What is a Christmas Market?


What is an individual's normal positive or negative response to change, threats or challenging demands.

What is stress?


Who is your MFLC (first and last name) 

Marilee King 


These are ways to over come "Holiday Stress"

Avoid Gloom and Doom attitude: HUNT THE GOOD STUFF!   Accept lack of control over current environment.  Practice positive self-care. Stay connected to Battle Buddies.  Stay fit physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. LOOK FOR HUMOR!


Children have the same signs and symptoms of holiday stress and also these symptoms.

Physical including somatic complaints

Mental including daydreaming.

Emotional including irritability

Behaviorally including tantrums.


This is the translation of "Ich bin ein Berliner" which JFK stated in his visit to Berlin

"I am a jelly donut"


An individual can be effected emotionally, mentally, physically and behaviorally.

What are the ways stress can effect an individual?


What are the MFLC hours 

8am until 6pm

We answer the phone from 8AM to 8PM


These are ways to practice Self-Care.

Start day with an intention of how you want to move through your day.   Breathe deeply when feeling stress and remind yourself you are doing your best.  Listen to music. Dance and sing to your favorite music. Practice relaxation--Chill Drill from Military OneSource. Eat well.


How can children be included in the holiday season?

Discuss future plans and let them be involved when possible.

Remind kids of the plan everyday along with what is expected from them, (foreshadowing). 

Let children participate in activities especially projects that helps others


These are the nine countries that border Germany

Austria, Belgium, Czeck Republic, France, Switzerland, Denmark,Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Poland


These are signs and symptoms of physical, mental, emotional and behavioral STRESS and how they manifest in an individual.

Physical symptoms of headache, fatigue, upset stomach,muscle tension.                                   Mental symptoms of poor concentration, negative self-talk, forgetfulness.                                                     Emotional symptoms of nervousness, anxiety, sadness/depression                                                         Behavioral symptoms of aggression, excessive use of alcohol, compulsive behaviors


Who can utilize the MFLC services 

Any active duty service members and their dependents. 


Ideas to help with the expectations of the holiday season.

Find ways to have fun by traveling and experiencing German traditions like Christmas Markets.  Prioritize things you need to do and things you want to do.Make a budget and stick to it.  It is OK to say NO to some activities.  Limit use of alcohol.


Ideas that help with stress in children.

 Don't overschedule .  Allow for downtime.

Make sure kids get plenty of sleep.

Let kids be honest about feelings


This Christmas tradition started in Germany

The Christmas tree came from Germany.


Holiday stress includes these extra pressures.

Holiday expectations, financial stress, lonliness, increased responsibilities, extra activities, away from home, missing traditions and family.


What type of MFLCs are there (where can you find an MFLC) 

School, Adult, CYS/CDC, Embedded 


Ideas to help with being realistic about this holiday season.

Accept this holiday season may be different.

Allow yourself to have your feelings

Try developing new traditions

Prepare for the post holiday let-down.


Important things for parents and adults to remember about children and the holidays.

Don't promise things you can't produce

Don't compensate for an absent parent with extra toys/gifts

Give kids your time and attention and reassurance


This is how many kinds of sausages there are in Germany!

1500 kind of sausages.


What causes the "Holiday Blues"?

Expectations of celebration, togetherness, not participating in holiday routine, remembering the "good times" and childhood memories.         

 Triggers feeling of loneliness, sense of loss and depression.


What year and where was the MFLC program started 

May 2004 in Germany 


Recognize what stresses you have and plan for them.

When expectations and reality conflict, stress increases which leads to the "holiday blues"

To overcome them, notice your own physical, mental, emotional and behavioral signs and symptoms and plan for self-care and new adventures so you can have a unique and joyous holiday experience.


Two most important thing to remember during the holidays when dealing with kids.

Take care of yourself otherwise kids will feel the tension.

Children need your support and guidance to help cope with their stress.
