Christmas commemorates Jesus' birth in a stable in this town, to which his parents came from Nazareth
People magazine called Edmund Gwenn "the gold standard for cinematic Santa Clauses" after he worked up a "Miracle on" this
34th Street
In Sweden, a Christmas straw one is traditional; here's the 42-foot, 4-ton example in Gävle
On December 5, 1933 FDR announced the repeal of this; cheers
Popular in the South, chess pie is basically this pie without those big brown nuts
Pecan Pie
While we talk about the 12 days of Christmas, Hanukkah is celebrated over 8 nights, with lighted candles in this candelabra
After committing what some might deem accidental homicide in a 1994 film, this actor re-suited up in 2022 in "The Santa Clauses" on TV
Tim Allen
In Iceland, kids put their boots by a window & either get candy if they're good or rotten these tubers if not
In what was then the largest corporate bankruptcy in U.S. history, this energy giant filed for Chapter 11 protection in 2001
This Spanish dessert with a 4-letter name is custard with a layer of caramel sauce
This fourth gospel mentions Jerusalem, Jesus & the Feast of the Dedication indicating that Jesus likely celebrated Hanukkah
Saaannta! I know him! & it was the late, great Ed Asner who played the role in this 2003 film
Streets are closed to traffic as people roller skate to Christmas Eve mass in this capital of Venezuela
On December 26, 2004 a 9.1 undersea earthquake in this ocean triggered a massive & deadly tsunami
The Indian Ocean
A line from "The Godfather": "Leave the gun, take" this dessert
a cannoli
Bah! Humbug! Starting under this lord protector, Christmas was canceled in England until the Restoration
Oliver Cromwell
A poster for "Bad Santa 2" had this thespian face down on a bar above the tagline "Giving the holidays another shot"
Billy Bob Thornton
Japan keeps the holidays "extra crispy" with what has become a traditional Christmas meal from this chain
In December 1577 he set sail from England with 5 ships & a crew of more than 150 men on a voyage around the world
Sir Francis Drake
Marshmallows, almonds & chocolate ice cream pave the way to make this classic flavor
Rocky Road
Traditionally, Hanukkah celebrates a victory by this family led by Judah & the miracle of a small amount of oil lasting for 8 days
the Maccabees
Vince Vaughn was older brother Fred Claus to this actor as Nicholas
Paul Giamatti
North of Quezon City, San Fernando is the "Christmas Capital of" this nation, holding a Giant Lantern Festival in December
the Philippines
Deciding he was better suited for the Senate, in December 1832 this South Carolinian resigned as vice president
What the French call an omelette norvégienne is what Americans call this dessert
Baked Alaskan