What is the date for teh day we celebrate Christmas?
December 25th
What does SFA stand for?
Success for all
345 + 657 =
What is today's date?
December 20th
What event did we have in the cafeteria today?
David Cain World Juggler
What is the name of the day before Christmas called?
Christmas Eve
What do you have to do with your team where you write a response and get ready for random reporter?
Write on
Reduce the fraction 6/9
How many meters are in 200 cm?
2 meters
What do we celebrate every year on the 3rd Monday in January?
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
What movie did Will Ferrall make toys and drink pop and love to eat Spaghetti?
Explain what a fact and opinion are
fact-something to be proven to be true.
opinion-something you can not prove to be true, belief or personal opinion
4 and 1/5 divide by 6/9
What is the name of the church where Par Excellence started in 1988?
Shiloh Baptist Church
What day of the week is Thanksgiving always on?
What do you eat for Christmas in Japan?
Fried Chicken, Pizza, Christmas cake
What are the 5 team cooperation goals
Explain Ideas and Tell why, Everyone participates, Complete Tasks, Help and encourage others, Practice Active Listening
4 x 8 + (3456-2345) x 33
What is the date and the last day of the year called?
December 31st, New Years Eve
Where did we go in October as an all school field trip?
Dupler's Pumpkin Patch
Name all 9 of Santa's reindeer
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen and Rudolph
What assignment do we do on Day 6 in SFA? (Day after the test day)
Adventures in Writing
54/9 + 45 - (7 x 2) + 300
What do we have twice a year where parents and teachers meet to discuss grades, behavior, etc
Parent teacher conference