Guaranteed Success
Problem Solving
Questions adults will ask
Taboo Topic Responses

How do you act when  your family arrives?

Recognize they took a lot of time to get there and they may be tired or hungry or cranky.  So smile, greet them, offer them something, and be tolerant.


Your little cousin is annoying you.  What do you do?

Talk to an adult and negotiate time in and out.  Try to be kind and play with him for a set time period, then have some time alone to reset.


How are you?

I am great, how are you?


Your uncle says "Build the wall!"


You can excuse yourself from the conversation.  Say you need to use the restroom, offer to get beverages for your guests, say "Ill be right back", or try to change the topic.  


Name 3 things that are appropriate to discuss

Music, movie, hobbies, books, instruments- see the list of conversation starters.


Your aunt keeps talking about her boyfriend.

You can try to be tolerant and listen for a while.  You can then excuse yourself to use the restroom or try to change the topic.  Use validating feeling words to show you are listening.


Your mom embarrasses you in front of your family

Do not get nasty!

Laugh it off, excuse yourself and go to the restroom, make a joke, talk to your Mom privately when no one is around and tell her how you felt.  Use and "I feel..." statement not "You are..."


How is school going?

How are your grades?

I working hard and learning a lot!

I am really enjoying science this year.


Your aunt is a Democrat and she keeps trashing Republicans.

You are a Republican and you can not stand what she is saying, so you need to leave the room to avoid saying anything nasty.


Name 3 things that you should NEVER talk about with polite company.

Politics, Religion, War, Death, Destruction, Blood- anything that leaves someone with a bad feeling and divides you from them.


Your disappointed with your gifts from your extended family.  How do you react?

You smile and warmly say thank you with a smile.  In your head remember, you can always return it and they spent time and money on you (hoping you would like it).


Your uncle makes a rude comment

Don't yell!

You can choose to ignore it or calmly explain your feelings, then agree to disagree.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

I am not sure yet, I really like engineering and science.  So, perhaps I will do something in those areas. 


Your uncle trashed your favorite sports team and says his is the best.  He makes fun of your team's current record.

Do not get angry.  Laugh it off.  It is just a team.  He is entitled to his opinion, just like you.  Use your agree to disagree phrase.


You make a statement that is inappropriate.  What can you do?

Use accountability words and cover up your bad with something good.


You did not receive the big gift you were hoping for this Christmas.  What do you do?

Do not sulk and throw a pity party!  Be thankful for what your family did buy for you.

Realize that perhaps it was too expensive right now and your family did not have the funds or you did not deserve it.  Talk to your parents to discuss perhaps how you can earn it at a later time.  (Be nicer, save Christmas money, do chores, do jobs in the neighborhood etc.)


Your uncle is a big hugger and wants to hug you and kiss you

You can talk to your parents about it before the meeting and see how they advise you.  You can extend your hand and warmly say "I am so happy to see you" with a smile.  You can also say you are just not a big hugger.  


Do you have a girllfriend or boyfriend?

I have people I feel close to, but no one I am dating.


Your uncle tries to play fight and wrestle with you or punches you in the arm a lot.

Do not hit him back really hard!  You can talk to your parents, walk away, try to stay an arm's length away, use your assertive phrase, or ask him to stop politely with an appropriate tone.  


You said something and now everyone is mad.  What do you do?

Apologize= Words + actions

Then give others space to calm down.


You have to have dinner with people you do not know or do not like.

Remember it is only one meal!  Smile and ask small talk questions.  Appear interested and ask detective questions.  Use the active listening formula (Event + Feeling) 


Your cousin is using your stuff- using your phone or taking over your gaming console.  What do you do?

Don't scream at him to get away and stop using your things!  Instead, talk to your parents about how you feel.  Perhaps you can work out a schedule, use your compromising skills.  If your parents approve it, perhaps you take the console or special game away before he arrives. 

Where do you go to school? 

I attend Florida Virtual School


Your grandpa said something that is highly offensive and racist.  

DO NOT YELL AT GRANDPA! Remember he comes from a different time period and perhaps a different planet! His view of the world is from a different perspective.

Leave or go talk to your parent about it if it is really upsetting to you.


You are talking to someone and they keep topic changing and spotlight stealing. What do you do?

Take a deep breath.  Try to redirect the conversation.  If you are really annoyed, exit from the conversation and find someone else to talk to.  Let it go if you are angry so you do not pass it on to the next person. 
