What is Prof Nelson's office number?
What is Prof Jeff's office number?
This financial term refers to the money owed by a company to creditors.
This reindeer is known for his red nose, which lights the way for Santa's sleigh.
This accounting standard governs the way companies prepare their financial statements and is used primarily in the U.S.
How many kids does Prof Nelson have?
2 girls
Who does Prof Jeff dress up as for Halloween?
Lucia Paciola, Father of Accounting
This term refers to the difference between a company's total assets and total liabilities.
What is the name of the young boy who got left during Christmas in a classic holiday movie, Home Alone
Kevin McCallister
What are the Big Four firms?
EY, Deloitte, KPMG, PwC
How many classes does Prof Nelson teach?
3 each semester
What’s the snack Prof Jeff keeps in his office?
Pub Mix
This document provides a snapshot of a company's financial position, listing assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity.
Balance Sheet
How many ‘las’ are after the ‘fa’ in ‘Deck the Halls’?
This form is used by individuals to file their annual income tax returns in the U.S.
What’s Prof Nelson’s signature saying?
Hello good people
What event does Prof Jeff throw for LAT every year?
Annual LAT BBQ
This is the accounting term for the systematic allocation of the cost of a long-term asset over its useful life.
What are Buddy the Elfs four main food groups and what does he put them on?
Syrup, candy, candy canes, and candy corn on top of spaghetti
This type of account is used to track items like accumulated depreciation.
contra account
What’s professor Nelson’s favorite hobby?
Being outdoors, camping, or watching soccer with my girls
Where and what year did Prof Jeff go for ungrad?
Notre Dame undergrad-1986
Which accounting firm, formerly part of the Big 5, collapsed due to scandals involving Enron and WorldCom?
Arthur Anderson
Who recorded the best-selling Christmas single of all time with "White Christmas"?
Bing Crosby
Where Big Four are the LAT seniors working/interning at?
Alexis - EY, Kacie - KPMG, Delaney - Deloitte