Hangs easily from stocking
Candy cane
You kiss below this parasite
Tiny male precutionist
Little drummer boy
Putting food in a foot liner
Your stocking
Pasta and pancake syrup
Bring me some of this.
Figgy pudding
We don't know these people so we will knock on their door and perform
Female spouse doing a little elf smooching
I saw Mommy kissing Santa
Find something weird in the garage and try to find it a new home
White elephant gift
Jelly of the month club
Christmas vacation
This will curdle quickly.
Egg nog
This offering started during the depression as a sign of appreciation
Leaving cookies for Santa
Ag chimes
Silver bells
According to location of Venus was birthed in the spring
Baby Jesus
It's a wonderful life
Crushed confectionary and cocoa laidened dairy prodect
Peppermint bark
This military unit tracks Santa's progress
Top, Top, Top
Dradle, dradle dradle
First civilization to bring cut tree into dwelling
The Druids
Swiper who lived in a cave
Fancy foiled wrapped goody with nuts and latin name
Almond roca
Stampede at WalMart
Black Friday
What was Grandma doing on the roof?
Grandma got ran over by a Rheindeer
PSE will get you for doing this
Massive Christmas lights
Early Bing Crosby Holiday musical
White Christmas