A person who believes in what is real and practical (say and spell your answer)
What is another name for an incomplete sentence?
Sentence fragment
Identify the common noun in the following sentence:
Mary went to the store.
The part of the story that is the most exciting, where the most action usually takes place
the remains of a meteor that has fallen to Earth without burning up
The name of the first video Brendan and Chase create together
How to Clean Your Tricycle
Is the following a complete sentence:
Because we want to.
Identify the proper noun in the following sentence:
Long live Ms. Cirillo!
Ms. Cirillo
The name of the smaller events that lead up to the biggest, most exciting event
Rising action
A large group of stars held together by gravity
The first and last name of the football player who Chase shoved against the wall while defend Brendan
Joey Petronus
What is the subject in the following sentence:
The students all laughed with joy when they heard the joke.
The students
Which of the following is NOT a noun:
Fort Knox
The name of the main problem that the character are trying to solve in the story
Subtle shade of meaning or expression
The name of the lady who gave Chase the $20 bill
Mrs. Swanson
What is the simple predicate in the following sentence:
Alfred bought me a new car!
List all of the common nouns in the following sentence:
We will go to the store to buy gifts after we go to the restaurant.
store, gifts, restaurant
The official name of the beginning of the story
A conclusion that has been drawn, or carried in, from something known or assumed by a process of reasoning
The name of Chase's little sister
List the 5 things we said you need in order to have a complete sentence.
1. subject
2. Predicate
3. Complete thought
4. Capital in the beginning
5. Punctuation at the end
List all of the nouns in the following sentence AND say if they are common or proper:
Timmy and Tommy found a sneaker and a flashlight in their backyard that wasn't theirs.
sneaker- common
flashlight- common
backyard- common
This is the official name of the end of the story