What is a famous Christmas song by Brenda Lee?
Rocking Around The Christmas Tree
What day is Christmas on?
December 25
How many days long is Hannukah?
8 days
What Christmas movie was released in 1990?
Home Alone
What are things you put under the Christmas tree?
Name 2 songs that were popular in the 1980’s
Sleigh Ride, Winter Wonderland, Merry, Merry Christmas, Christmas Wrapping, Deck the Halls, Christmas Without You
Things you get on Christmas
What is the thing were you light the candles and then put them on?
The menorah
What is a Christmas movie that Daniel Stern is in?
Home Alone, Home Alone 2
What are things you put on the Christmas tree?
Is Jingle Bells the world’s most popular Christmas song?
Who should you spend Christmas with?
Your Family
What are the 2 main things you eat during Hanukkah?
Potato Latkes and Doughnuts
What year did the second Movie of Home Alone come out in?
What is the middle candle/candle lighter called?
The Shamash
What year did Jingle Bells by Frank Sinatra come out?
What day of the week was Christmas on in 2021?
How many branches are on the Hannukiyah?
How many Christmas movies were made in the 1990’s?
Some people think that there were only 25 movies worth watching.
Who celebrates Christmas so seriously? Hint: His first name is spelled A.n.d.y and his last name is a place that you go to a couple times a month
“Mr Christmas,” AKA Andy Park who decorates his house and celebrates Christmas every day of the year. Not just on Christmas.
What is the world’s most popular Christmas song?
White Christmas by Bing Crosby
How many presents should you get on Christmas?
Between 3 and 5
Who created Hannukah?
Judah Maccabee and the Macabees
What was the first Christmas Movie?
The first known Christmas movie was Santa Claus a black and white filmed movie by British stage hypnotist G.A. Smith. It came out in 1898.
What was the first Christmas song ever created? Hint: it was made in the 4th Century, which is the 300’s
Jesus Refulsit Omnium written by St. Hilary of Poitier on December 25, 336.