People who celebrate Christmas often put presents under a _____.
Christmas Tree
Name a decoration used to celebrate Diwali.
Flower garlands or candles
How many days are in Hanukkah?
8 days
Kwanzaa celebrates what culture?
African/African American
True or False?
You can only celebrate one holiday each year.
Many people celebrate Christmas by giving ____.
Diwali is like combining which two holidays?
Christmas and Thanksgiving
What is the Hanukkah candle holder called?
A menorah.
True or False?
You can't celebrate Christmas and Kwanzaa.
How many holidays did we learn about in the show we watched?
People might decorate for Christmas using what kinds of things?
Poinsettia flowers, lights, ornaments, Christmas tree, manger scene.
Diwali is a festival of _____.
Hanukkah is a ______ holiday? (What religion?)
What colors are the Kwanzaa candles?
Red, Black, Green
Everyone has to celebrate the same holiday.
Santas helpers are called?
Diwali is a celebration from what culture/nation?
What toy/game do many Jewish families play during Hanukkah?
What kinds of gifts do people give each other for Kwanzaa?
Homemade jewelry, books about African stories, or African toys.
How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
What animal was the dog in the show dressed as?
People who celebrate Diwali do not like gifts.
What do the candles on the menorah represent?
The oil lasting for 8 days.
What is one of the things the Kwanzaa candles represent?
The things people do to succeed (red), keeping what you've earned (green), the unity of African people all over the world (black).
What symbol did each holiday use?
Candles or lights.