This individual, known as the "Father of Modern Medicine" believed in a holistic health care model.
Who is Hippocrates?
While modern medicine is evidence-based, this type of medicine is practice-based.
What is Holistic medicine?
Holistic Medicine's emphasizes treating this, instead of only the disease.
What treating person as a whole?
This practice involves inserting thin needles into points on the body to influence healing.
What is acupuncture?
This role involves making recommendations and answering patient questions.
What is patient education?
The philosopher that wrote the book "Holism and Evolution", which popularized the term "holism"
Who is Jan Christian Smuts?
Lots of side effects but very effective
What is modern medicine?
While ordinary medicine may focus on the symptoms, holistic medicine focuses on the this.
What is lifestyle?
A mind-body practice that involves breathing exercises, meditation, and physical postures.
What is yoga?
Pharmacists should educate patients on the potential risk for these to occur between prescription drugs and holistic treatments.
What are drug interactions?
Holistic medicine was first recorded how long ago?
What is almost 5,000 years ago?
Holistic medicine is supported by research and clinical trials but still lacks this.
What is extensive scientific medicine?
Holistic medicine focuses on treating not just physical health but also these other forms of health. (Name at least 2) :)
What are mental and emotional health/social and spiritual health?
This type of treatment involves manual manipulation of the spine in order to improve physical function and decrease pain
What is Chiropractic Care?
This supplement induces CYP3A4, which creates potential for numerous interactions.
What is St. John's Wort?
The discovery of this thingamabobber and its role in causing disease resulted in the shift away from holistic medicine towards treatment with medication.
What are germs?
A misconception that focuses on short term relief and comfort.
What is the feel-good approach?
The Jesuit Value that Holistic Medicine Follows, which means "care for the whole person".
What is Cura Personalis?
Uses herbs and dietary supplements, alongside exercise and dietary changes.
What is Naturopathy?
This supplement contains lovastatin, which can lead to muscle damage when not taken appropriately.
What is red yeast rice?
The herbal medicine treatment "Ayurveda" was developed at this time and in this country.
What is 6th Century India?
Preventatives for Holistic medicine (Name 3).
What are nartural remedies, stress management, and maintaining emotional well being?
A central belief in the Holistic medicine approach, focusing on the belief that the body has the natural ability to heal itself.
What is Medicatrix Naturae?
This ancient approach uses focused on utilizing the medicinal properties in plants.
What is Ayurvedic?
This supplement helps with concentration, but increases bleeding risk.
What is Ginkgo Biloba?